Mystery Solved: Understanding your stress responses: be less reactive, less shut down and enhance your connection to others.
Do you Sometimes Feel like this? Totally “MAXED-OUT” ? Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash
Do you Sometimes Feel like this? Totally “MAXED-OUT” ? Photo by Finn Hackshaw on Unsplash
During this quarantine time, I think the one thing we can all agree upon is that we are all dealing with stressful thoughts and big, bizarre emotional responses.
I am normally very even-keeled and adaptable, but this "shelter-in-place lifestyle has started to take its toll. I have noticed I am definitely riggered by the "small stuff" or I lose motivation doing things that normally delight me...I hated the way I felt, so I knew I needed to find some answers.
Thank goodness I attended an amazing workshop by Chantal Donnelly of Body Insight. Chantal has a unique combination of expertise. She is a stress management and nervous system expert, as well as a certified Resilience Toolkit Facilitator and a physical therapist. In other words, Chantal deeply understands the science behind the mind-body connection.
Learning form her, helped me "feel normal again" and thus, I just knew I had to interview her to share her knowledge by explaining the nature of stress responses, especially what happens during a pandemic. In this interview, she shares critical insights and offers some EASY and FAST tools that you can use to calm down and regulate yourself so you feel "like-yourself" again!
I hope this interview helped you "normalize" your feelings and reactions to life during Covid-19. If you join her email list ,you can participate in one of her upcoming STRESS INSIGHTS workshops that will help you to be less reactive, less shut down and enhance your creativity and connection to others.
Also, in the interview, Chantal mentions that sometimes heightened stress responses can cause "floating pain" so if this sounds familiar, please know Chantal created two rehabilitation videos; “Pain Free at Work” and “Strong Knees” which are both available online at
Chantal can also work with you one-on-one to address your specific situation. You can reach her at:
Chantal Donnelly, MPT, Certified Resilience Toolkit Facilitator
Body Insight Inc.
May you stay healthy in body, mind and spirit!
Sleep is Bliss, Let's get you more!
If you feel totally “maxed out” because your baby is not sleeping well or taking “crap naps” than please don’t hesitate to reach out for support and gain insight on how to solve the sleep struggles once and for all. I offer guilt-free, gentle sleep coaching for newborns all the way to 6 year old children. I help you solve all your baby sleep issues! You can schedule a 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session so we can talk LIVE about your sleep struggles and determine the right next steps to help you and your family be well rested!