4 Self-Care Tips for Moms During Covid-19


For nearly a year now, the Coronavirus pandemic has had the world scrambling in confusion and chaos. Many parents are still navigating the complicated waters of working from home while also parenting, and assisting their children with distance learning classes. These are truly unprecedented times with unforetold effects. 

When it comes to moms with young children, their mental health is at risk. Levels of anxiety and depression in this population have skyrocketed, with upwards of 70% of moms being affected to some degree.1 Self-care is more important than ever before.

Self-Care is Critical for Parents During the Pandemic

We have to take care of ourselves. This is true now, as everyone is shutting themselves away and prioritizing health. It’s like the age-old advice handed out by flight attendants: you have to put your oxygen mask on first before you can help someone else with theirs. 

The difference between self-care and oxygen masks is that self-care varies from person to person. It can even fluctuate day-by-day. In this article, we’re talking about four awesome self-care tips all moms should consider implementing into their lives - especially now. 


Simple Self-Care Tips for Moms in Quarantine

In the age of quarantine and social distancing, self-care activities look a little different. They are no less relaxing or beneficial, however. For moms with young kids at home, taking time for themselves can be so beneficial for fighting feelings of depression, anxiety, and low self-esteem. 

Finding time to implement these practices is the difficult part though. That’s why we’ve put together a list of easy, relatable ways that you can fit self-care into your routine, instead of having to find the time for one more thing to do. 

1. Set Your Boundaries and Stick to Them

When it feels like there are no boundaries, that’s an invitation for you to create them. Everything feels chaotic and out of control in many of our lives, so the least we can do is make peace at home. Talk with your family about boundaries and their importance. Discuss the value of health with your kids, and make sure to set those hard limits with friends who may not be on the same page as you. 

When dealing with school at home and navigating life in quarantine, include prompts and visual cues to make things easier. Hang your family schedule on the wall, stick a calendar to the fridge, and introduce a chore chart if you have to. There is a reason why schools and child care centers include posters with messages like “Be Nice” and “Use Your Inside Voice” on them, and it’s not only for decoration. 

2. Take Time for Mindfulness

It may sound counter-intuitive, but one of the best ways to traverse a difficult path is to actually be there. Get out of your head. Sometimes, it can be a much scarier place than the actual world. Practicing mindfulness as an everyday part of your life is so simple, but incredibly effective for reducing stress, lowering emotional reactivity, and improving happiness.2

Practicing mindfulness as part of your everyday life is easy: simply forget about time and pay attention to where you are. This can be done during dinner by taking time to taste the flavors you’re eating and then talking about them at the dinner table. You could also include mantras into your routine, encouraging yourself and focusing on gratitude. Some of the best mantras for moms are:

  • Just breathe. 

  • Everything will be okay. 

  • Do what you can, and let the rest go. 

  • I am enough. 

  • A bad day does not make me a bad mom. 

3. Get Outside

Getting out of the house and into the sunlight has never been more critical. Months of isolation can have detrimental consequences, and simply going outside into nature can help prevent these. In fact, time spent in natural spaces can be surprisingly efficient in fighting off feelings of anxiety, depression, and stress.3

Taking a hike on a local trail is one of the best ways to immerse yourself with the trees and wildlife, but simple activities like bringing your kids to a soccer field, planning your garden, and watching your backyard birds can provide great opportunities for self-care. If the weather just isn’t permitting where you live, work to bring some of the outside in. This can be done by adding various plants to your home, opening your curtains and letting the sun in, or using herbs and fruits to freshen the scent indoors.

4. Start Journaling

Believe it or not, it’s tough on the body to hold onto all your thoughts and feelings. This is why journaling is so beneficial. Documenting the happenings of your day, and the way you felt throughout it, can improve your mood, reduce stress levels, and lower the likelihood of depression. This simple practice even has impressive health benefits like boosting your immune system and decreasing the risk of cancer. Journaling truly is the ultimate form of self-care.4

It doesn’t have to be complicated either! Research shows that the benefits are the same, whether journaling on paper or a computer screen. This means you can take advantage of some of the best free journaling apps, like Grid Diary, Daylio, and Penzu. Make sure to have fun with the activity. Get your kids involved in starting the habit early, and allow yourself to be creative. The more you enjoy it, the better. 


Final Thoughts

Self-care doesn’t have to be some long, drawn-out ritual involving lit candles and bubble baths. Though it sounds nice, it places unrealistic expectations on the very necessary habit. And the opposite is true. Moms in quarantine can sneak self-care activities throughout their day without much fuss at all!


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