Alternative to Cry It Out

Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out sleep coaching methods that result in a happy sleeping baby and NO GUILT and NO SHAME? Then you'll want to learn more about my unique approach to Gentle Sleep Coaching!

After having their first child during COVID, with almost no support, my clients, Peter and Embry, wanted all the support possible for their 2nd child, and that included a Sleep Coach! This family successfully sleep coached their first child at 7 months, but they wanted to sleep train their 2nd child as soon as he was showing signs of readiness. Finding an alternative to the cry it out method was very important to this couple since cry it out was not in line with their family values.

Alternative to cry it out

Gentle Sleep Coaching is an alternative to cry it out sleep training. It uses sleep science, behavioral science, and attachment theory to work with your child's temperament and teach them the skills of sleep. To hear me explain more about Gentle Sleep Coaching watch this video

Peter and Embry describe their experience "Some people just let their children cry it out and that wasn't the way that we wanted to do it. During Gentle Sleep Coaching, we are literally totally available to our child and dad was in the room for the first several days to keep the baby comfortable."

To hear more about this Family's Sleep Transformation watch their success story below!

Click here to watch their Sleep Success Story! 

Peter and Embry want people to know "Sleep coaching is like clockwork. As soon as you nail those wake windows and those appropriate times, it all just like flows like water. It's really amazing. You can just start to experience and learn about your child and tailor everything towards them." 

Are you struggling with your child's sleep? Could you use some support tailored specifically to YOUR child and YOUR family?

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.


Don't let them cry!


Get in the know about Lipedema! Triggered by Pregnancy!!!