Dad’s Are Masterful Sleep Coaches! Happy Father’s Day!

Happy Father's Day! Thank you to to all the men that support, guide and love their wives and children. I am grateful everyday to work with attentive, loving fathers who are doing "all the things", including being masterful sleep coaches! 

Here is a Sleep Success Story of a fabulous dad who took the lead to support his wife during their journey to make sleep a priority, but also maintain a robust nursing relationship.

Christian and his wife decided I was the RIGHT COACH to help solve all their 8 month old son's sleep struggles. The couple was co-sleeping with their son and mom was nursing all night long and no one was getting any rest! This baby was "wired-and-tired" all day long! As tired as she was, Mom was very dedicated to her nursing relationship.  Thus she was thrilled to know that it was possible to get good sleep and maintain a strong parent-child bond. 

Dad heard about sleep training from friends and got to reading, researching and getting on the same page as Mom so they could go into this process as a team. After interviewing several Sleep Coaches, the couple decided Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching was going to give them the right amount of support and accommodate their family goals and values. The parents valued breastfeeding bonding and the mother-infant relationship and mom wanted a gentle process to avoid night weaning breastfeeding pain.

This family experienced a Total Family Sleep Transformation with their 8 month old son. Baby weaned his night feeds and is sleeping through the night in his own crib without jeopardizing the breastfeeding relationship! The Nanit baby monitor sleep statistics show this massive sleep improvement!

I am so happy this family trusted me as a reliable, expert resource who honors the nursing relationship! Watch their story in the video below to see how working with THE RIGHT SLEEP COACH has been totally transformative for their entire family!

Christian A 8 month old son at the time of Gentle Sleep Coaching
Click here to watch video.

Christian wants other exhausted parents to know "There is another way, you don't have to live sleep-deprived. Joanna has a gentle system to comfort your child and then slowly sort of transition to them sleeping by themselves."

Thank you for watching Christians's story and I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family. 

If you are interested in a great breastfeeding resource, Healthy Children is backed by Pediatricians and the AAP.


Infant Sleep Training- There are alternatives to cry it out!


Don't let them cry!