Facing the Fourth Trimester: Managing the First Three Months
By Josh Moore of Diaperdads.org
Following Your Baby’s Birth
When it comes to the journey of motherhood, one of the most difficult parts is actually what’s called the fourth trimester. It's the period when your baby is learning to adapt to life outside the womb, and you are dealing with the physical and emotional challenges of having a newborn. This, combined with the postpartum effects on your body, can cause immense stress, so it's essential to prepare for every possibility before your due date arrives. Read on for some ideas from Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching.
Maternity Leave
You’ll want to spend as much time with your newborn as possible before returning to work. If you work with clients, be sure to inform them of your absence and notify them of a forwarding contact that they can liaise with if they need help. If possible, it may also be worthwhile to hire a virtual assistant or arrange a remote working solution with your company.
The Possibility of a C-Section
If you deliver via C-section, you’ll have an additional set of challenges to contend with over and above your maternal duties. Your body will need time to recover, and, as Parents magazine notes, there may also be some discomfort associated with breastfeeding. Fortunately, there are a number of products you can purchase in advance to ease these difficulties.
Skin salve: This can help with the itching and discomfort caused by your incision as well as any irritation you experience from cracked or dry nipples.
Disposable underwear: You’ll want to wear these for the first few days or weeks following your surgery to avoid soiling your clothes with blood or discharge.
Loose clothing: You’ll want to avoid anything tight-fitting around your waist in the period post-op, as it can put undue pressure on your incision.
High-waisted underwear: This is designed specifically for moms who’ve had a C- section and can help support your abdomen as you heal. Some retailers on Amazon sell a variety of high-waisted underwear, so make use of your Prime account to purchase a few that will aid you as you recover.
Your Diet
Amodrn points out that whole foods and lean meats are best, as your body needs plenty of protein to heal. Incorporate plenty of fruits and vegetables as well to ensure you’re getting the vitamins and minerals you need. Avoid overly processed foods, sugary snacks, and excessive amounts of caffeine, as they can interfere with your recovery and affect your milk supply.
Working from Home
If you aren’t able or simply aren’t interested in returning to a traditional job, starting your own business and working from home is a great way to provide yourself with the flexibility you need to make ends meet while still being there for your baby. You’ll need to decide on a service, establish a business structure, and write up a business plan.When it comes to marketing, you can start with social media platforms, but it’s a good idea to supplement these with some traditional approaches, including business cards. If you aren’t sure where to start, give this a try and take advantage of the free templates.
While the postpartum period can include some of the biggest challenges you’ll face as a mother,
it’s also the most precious time with your new baby. With a little preparation, less time spent worrying about work, and some postpartum clothing, you can minimize some of the difficulties and focus on enjoying this special time.
Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching is here to help moms and babies alike get the rest they need. Gentle Sleep Coaching is an alternative to cry it out methods.
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
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