Health and Family History Could Have an Impact on Your Child’s Sleep!
It's no secret that adequate sleep is essential for health and wellness. Does it surprise you to know that trouble sleeping can also be a sign of underlying health conditions? The tip of the iceberg so to speak.
According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, getting enough sleep has many benefits. It can help you:
Get sick less often
Stay at a healthy weight
Lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease
Reduce stress and improve your mood
Think more clearly and do better in school and at work
Make good decisions and avoid injuries — for example, drowsy drivers cause thousands of car accidents every year
Have you considered your current health and family history could have an impact on your child’s sleep?
A study by Bruni identified three “sub-classes” of sleep problems and their underlying physical conditions. They looked at children ages 6 mos-4 years and analyzed sleep problems as well as current health conditions and family histories. The results found three subtypes of sleep problems:
Difficulties in falling asleep, with bedtime and nighttime restlessness, and awakenings during the night were associated with a longer time falling asleep and the presence of restless legs syndrome and anemia in the family history. (This group represented 17% of the sample)
Early morning awakenings were related to a family history of depression and/or mood disorders. - About 21% of the sample.
High frequency of night wakings and difficulties in falling asleep (without restlessness) were related to underlying allergies and/or food intolerance. This group was the largest at 62%.
As a Sleep consultant, knowing links to underlying health issues is important to properly assess sleep problems and offer guidance on how to navigate them. When working 1:1 with my clients to develop a customized sleep plan, I start by learning all about your family by collecting real data and relying on sleep science, behavioral science, and attachment theory. Potential underlying health problems can become evident in this detailed process.
To learn more about Blissful Baby’s Stairway to sleep process
To read more about this study
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