I Support HER: Dr. Patricia Kiser of University Chiropractic
In honor of WO3 I am delighted to partner, promote and support Dr. Patricia Kiser of University Chiropractic!
Throughout the month of March, you have seen me doing a lot around partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs. On Saturday March 25, 2023, we had our big celebration day to support ALL woman-owned business. One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.
I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Patricia Kiser of University Chiropractic. During our interview we had an engaging conversation discussing her holistic practices. Did you know that Pediatric Chiropractic can help treat child's symptoms without the use of medications?
ear aches
latching issues
To find a Pediatric Chiropractor in your area International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA)
Dr. Patricia Kiser-Cohen, a native of San Mateo, California, attended Aragon High School and developed a deep interest in healing. Her fascination with the human body and its afflictions, such as pain, disease, and diminished quality of life, led her to explore various holistic methods of treatment. Although she was active in high school sports, including cheerleading, horseback riding, and soccer, she suffered from back pain after fracturing her lower back. Her search for effective pain relief led her to chiropractic care, which she was introduced to by a personal mentor. Dr. Kiser then interned in a sports-medicine chiropractic clinic the following summer that catered to various professional athletic organizations, which further fueled her passion for chiropractic care.
To pursue her career goals, Dr. Kiser pursued pre-medicine and earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology from Patten University before enrolling in Chiropractic College. In 1994, she obtained her Doctorate in Chiropractic Care, and after gaining three years of clinical experience, she founded her own practice in 1997. Dr. Kiser has worked with hundreds of babies and children of all ages, helping them overcome various conditions such as colic, ear aches, constipation, latching issues, asthma, and allergies, including her own son when he was an infant. Her healing abilities have earned her clients from all over the Bay Area, who benefit from her extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology. She can quickly identify the source of pain and provide immediate relief, helping her clients achieve their optimum level of health.
To watch the interview click here.
During our interview Dr. Kiser wanted to shout out two amazing women-owned businesses in the San Francisco Bay area.
Kristin Podulka at Palo Alto Reiki and Ory Seidemann at Decodebaby in honor of WO3!!
Kristin Podulka at Palo Alto Reiki
As a certified Reiki Master and Teacher, with an additional certification as an Energy Healing Practitioner. she offers in-person and long-distance modalities.
Reiki Healing
Chakra Balancing
Aura Clearing
Intuitive Guidance
Guided Relaxation
Restorative Music
Crystal Therapy (in person)
Aromatherapy (in person)
To learn about Palo Alto Reiki
@paloaltoreiki on Instagram
Ory Seidemann of Decode baby
Ory specializes in:
New Parent Coach
Certified Lactation Educator Counselor
Postpartum Doula
Newborn Care Specialist
Crystal & Reiki energy healing practitioner
Birth doula in training
To learn more about Decodebaby check out:
Instagram: @decode_baby
To learn more about Dr. Patricia Kiser check out University Chiropractic's website:
Patient Appreciation Day on 4/22 (Earth Day)--come learn about her AMAZING Holistic Practice
I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3.
There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget.
1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.
SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup
2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business.
JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/
Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther
3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March:
One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp
Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or follow their podcast!
Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist?
Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses.
Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.
Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally.
As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so lets make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business.
Are you struggling with your child's sleep?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!