Sleep Success Story: Baby is rolling, time to call Joanna and start sleep coaching!

I love it when previous clients come back for sleep support for their second baby!

I met my client Adi back in 2017 when she and her husband were sleep-deprived and struggling to get their 18 month old daughter to sleep. It’s five years later with Baby #2 and they were determined to start sleep coaching as early as possible with their new son so that they did not have to suffer needlessly in a sleep deprived haze when there was hope and help available to them right now. 

They knew it was the right time because transfers to the crib were failing and they were exhausted, spending 40 minutes trying to get him to sleep and having to do it all over again 30 minutes later. Their baby boy started rolling both ways and they remembered these were all signs that it’s a good time to begin sleep coaching.

Adi learned the sleep science, behavioral science and attachment theory behind sleep training with their first child but knew sleep coaching a baby at 7 months old would be different from sleep coaching a toddler at 18 months. She decided that she wanted the support of 1:1 coaching again so they could get it right and feel really comfortable and confident through the whole process especially since the mom was a nursing mom!

I am so happy this family reached out for sleep support! Watch Adi’s story in the video below to see how working with a Sleep Expert was totally transformative for their entire family!

Adi wants other exhausted parents to know that everything is harder to work through when you are sleep deprived. Having an expert Sleep Consultant as a sounding board gives you the extra motivation to start or to keep going and also acts as a mediator between parents so they can focus on working together. She loved the collaboration between the coach, parent and baby to determine the optimal sleep environment for their son and get the entire family well-rested.

Thank you for watching Adi’s story and I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family. Please share this with any friends that need some help, hope and support right now! Don't ever hesitate to contact me. Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.


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