Sleep Success Story: Confused and Exhausted!
This couple's life was a complete state of chaos day and night because of sleep deprivation. Their son struggled with sleep and after 2 years Divya and Terence realized this was not something that would solve itself. They reached a breaking point after trying everything in their arsenal for 2 weeks straight and NOTHING would get their son to sleep!
Just like many other families I've worked with, Mom thought "I'm the mom, I should be able to figure this out myself." I want to reiterate what I tell all of my clients, sleep is a learned skill, it is not something that you are born knowing how to do. A co-worker told them about Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching and with skepticism the couple decided to try it. As Dad says "I stand corrected". This family experienced a TOTAL FAMILY SLEEP TRANSFORMATION and they are ALL enjoying the benefits of a well-rested family. Their son learned lifelong healthy sleep habits and the couple is enjoying the strong bond with their son that sleep coaching helped develop and the uninterrupted time in the evening to focus on other things.
Watch their story in the video below to see how working with THE RIGHT SLEEP METHOD with the RIGHT COACH has been totally transformative for their entire family!
2 years old at the time of Sleep Coaching, click image or here to watch video.
Divya and Terence have been talking me up at parties with other families and wants people to "Just call Joanna. It's not enjoyable to have un-organized chaos in your house from sleep deprivation. It impacts your daily life and just keeps building. It just impacts your relationship with your partner and child. You can't put a price on good sleep!"
Thank you for watching their story. I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family.
As a Gentle Sleep Coach, I always recommend following safe sleep practices. To learn more about what the CDC and AAP recommend for Safe Sleep, check out this article: Helping Babies Sleep Safely
Are you struggling with your child's sleep? Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out? Could you use more support?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
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