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It's Here: The Answer To Choosing The Best Baby Food: Pure Spoon Purees
A solution to the dilemma of finding "the best baby food" that your child will actually eat: Pure Spoon Purees!
As part of my role as a Gentle Sleep Coach, I review a comprehensive case history for every baby I work with. Time and time again, parents are struggling with introducing solids and finding "the best food" with optimum flavor so their babies can enjoy the "learning" that goes along with introducing solids.
I have recently discovered the perfect solution to all my client's inquiries: Feed your baby Pure Spoon which offers 100% certified organic fruit and veggie purees by using a cool-temperature, high-pressure pasteurization technique, which provides high nutritional value and plenty of flavor for little ones who are just discovering their taste buds. The containers are just the right size in a cute, 4.2 oz. containers to use when you're home or out. There are 22 purees and an example of the offerings include apples & broccoli, butternut squash, apples & oats, and simply carrots. The best part is that Pure Spoon has massive distribution all over the contiguous US and so can now be found at Whole Foods, Shoprite, and select Target stores,. They also just started offering online ordering and purees are delivered FRESH and COLD at your front door.
Best of all...its not just my recommendation that counts...Pure Spoon was just named by Macaroni Kid as one of the top picks for Best Organic Baby Foods. The article is posted here: http://stork.macaronikid.com/article/1374842/four-organic-baby-foods-your-little-one-will-love
Go for it: TRY PURE SPOON!!! Between now and 12/12, enter the GIVEAWAY to WIN a Sampler of Pure Spoon's offerings. First Step: Go to the website (www.blissfulbabysleepcoaching.com) and sign up to receive one of 2 Free gifts: You can opt-in for a Free 15 minute Sleep Consultation to talk to an expert sleep coach about your child’s sleep concerns OR you can sign up to receive an unbelievably helpful report on the "5 Reasons & Solutions As To Why Your Child was Awake Last Night". Second Step: Please "like” the Blissful Baby Sleep Facebook business page. Once you have completed these two tasks, than you will be entered into the drawing to WIN this fabulous GIVEAWAY OF 22 ORGANIC PUREES FROM PURE SPOON! Incredible, delicious, easy nutrition. Contest open only to those in the contiguous US. Winner will be contacted by email and Facebook.
Want to know more about the history of the company and the brilliant mind behind it all. The idea for Pure Spoon was sparked when Alyson Eberle discovered that all of the food in the baby aisle at her local grocery store wasn’t anything that she wanted to feed her little girl. Alyson was on a mission to solve this dilemma and after much research and experimentation, Pure Spoon was born. All of Pure Spoon's purees start with fresh, organic produce but the real secret lies in the innovative method of pasteurization called HPP that uses high pressure (not heat) to lock in all of the nutrients and keep the food safe. So to find out how to buy local or to do some online ordering than please go to http://purespoon.com.
P.S. The most popular item is the Puree Sampler which is a box filled with 22 purees, 2 of each of their 11 yummy recipes. It is an excellent way to test everything that Pure Spoon has to offer so you can figure out what your little foodie enjoys the most. (purespoon.com)
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