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Back to School, Back to Sleep...Sleep & Learning Advice for Pre-schoolers and Elementary Students.
Optimal Learning Needs Optimal Sleep. Come learn about the new studies on sleep and how it affects learning for preschool and elementary age children. Please watch this informative interview with Dr. Alana Kenndey-Nasser of Pure Pediatrics and Joanna Clark, Gentle Sleep Coach and Founder of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching
Sleep & Learning: Preschoolers and Elementary Age Children. Photo by Johny Goerend on Unsplash
Sleep & Learning: Preschoolers and Elementary Age Children. Photo by Johny Goerend on Unsplash
I was pleased to be invited by Dr. Alana Kennedy-Nasser of Pure Pediatrics (the premier concierge pediatric practice in Houston, TX) to speak to her patients about the importance of sleep and learning during the preschool and elementary years (ages 2-10 yrs).
We discussed the new studies that are examining the links between sleep and optimal learning with special emphasis on reviewing the best ways to ensure beautiful, blissful sleep while your child is tackling this new on-line learning environment.
Dr. Alana's mission is to change the way children receive medical care through personalized medicine, integrative wellness and a healthy dose of prevention.
To emphasize her passion for prevention, Dr. Alana enjoys interviewing other experts that serve the pediatric population to keep all parents well-informed.
I am honored to be collaborating with Dr. Alana on her mission! Please watch this informative interview.
Stay Tuned for another Interview I will be doing in later September with Dr. Alana on Newborn Sleep.
Oh yes, I almost forgot to mention, please be on the lookout for an email this week about a Labor Day Sale of my Prepping for Sleep Coaching Success Self-Paced Program (normally $200, now $75)
This self-study program is the perfect solution for sleep-deprived and overwhelmed parents that want to improve the chaotic sleep situation in their household. There is no doubt that proper preparation and planning is a prerequisite for easier and successful sleep coaching. This program is bursting with amazing suggestions and resources that will offer clarity and confidence to prepare for and begin your journey toward blissful, beautiful sleep for everyone in your family!
Sleep is Bliss. For You, For Your Child, and Your Family.