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Baby Sleep Tips For The Spring Time Change 2019
It is time to Spring Foward 1 hour on March 10, 2019. Here are some baby sleep tips on how to manage this time change with your child.
Spring Forward on 3/10/19
Spring Forward on 3/10/19
It’s Daylight Savings time again: It is time to “Spring Forward”! In the US, we will turn our clocks ahead one hour this weekend at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 10th, 2019 and in Europe, it is Sunday March 31.
I am looking forward to the extra daylight and a dose of Vitamin D from the sunshine. As with all time changes, the family should be prepared and expect some sleep disruptions. Below are some baby sleep tips and strategies on how to tackle it all.
Be patient as it does take the body 7-9 days for the natural circadian rhythm to get back on track.
If you employ these tips, it will be easier for you to support yourself and your little ones through this time-change transition.
This time change can often be very difficult for children. After all, imagine being used to a 7pm bedtime and now it’s been moved to what your body feels is 6pm!
To make the transition easier, I have outlined some baby sleep tips to help your baby or toddler make a gentle change. Don’t worry. There are a couple of ways to tackle this transition and you can choose the one that suits your style and your child’s needs the best.
Before the time change…be diligent that your child is getting adequate naps so that they aren’t overtired.
Be prepared for your baby’s bedtime to feel earlier, since it actually is earlier. Remember, we’re jumping ahead a full hour, so what used to be 6:00 p.m. is now 7:00 p.m. (but it will still feel like 6:00 p.m. to your baby).
Exposure to morning light can help the body “reset” the circadian rhythm. If it’s too cold, open the windows and let in some natural light.
Try to get at least thirty minutes of sunlight first thing in the morning for that initial week to help your body tune into the time change.
I recommend that you choose between two transition methods for Daylight Savings Time.
Transition Method 1: Pretend that Nothing Has Changed on March 10.
Best method for families with children with “early rising” tendencies (up before 6am)
Best method for busy parents who already feel “rushed” at bedtime.
If you have a child that actually wakes up before 6am, than this may be the right method for you. This method is probably the easiest for most families, as you will follow your daily routine according to the clock, but everything will be pushed ahead one hour.
If you choose this method do the following:
Move your clock ahead an hour on Saturday night 3/9/19, and proceed with your normal day Sunday.
Note: be aware that following this “do nothing approach” means your child will lose an hour, which has the potential to create a struggle at bedtime, because bedtime will be a full hour earlier than it was last night.
Because your baby or toddler is not aware that the time has changed, they will wake up at their normal time (hopefully), but instead of 6:00 a.m., it will be 7:00 a.m. (see what I mean about solving that pesky early rising issue?).
However, don't let your child sleep past 7:30 or 8am or else bedtime will be harder.
Proceed with your normal day, and be sure that your meals and naps, and bedtime are at the appropriate time (you may have to watch the clock).
Remember that your baby will be going to bed at their “regular time”. For example, if your baby is used to a 7:00 p.m. bedtime, put them to bed at the NEW 7:00 p.m. (which was previously 6:00 p.m.). It is very possible that meals and naps will fall into place naturally with this method, but be prepared that your child may not actually be tired at bedtime yet. Remember, they don’t understand why they’ve lost an hour, and it’s suddenly still light out at bedtime, so you may have to be a bit flexible or now might be the time to install those room darkening shades.
Transition Method 2: Make DAILY adjustments
Best for families that know the time change will be hard on their kiddo
Best for families who feel more secure when they “plan in advance”
About 5-7 days before the time change, begin putting your child to bed 10-20 minutes earlier, moving the time back every day or few days until you reach a full hour. So, if your child has a 7:00 p.m. bedtime, you want to begin with bedtime at 6:40 p.m. then 6:20 p.m., then 6:00 p.m.
Be consistent as possible with your baby’s food and sleep schedule. This means that you need to shift all meals, snacks, and naps earlier as well.
Watch the clock to stay on the new schedule of 30 minutes earlier.
Don’t forget to wake your child a bit earlier to help with this transition schedule.
After about a week, your child should be back at their 7:00 p.m. bedtime.
Adjust all meals, snacks, and naps to fit the “new” schedule on the same day that you shift to your child’s new, fully-adjusted bedtime.
Here is an example: If your baby or toddler’s bedtime is 7 pm, it will look like this:
Tuesday 3/5/19 : 6:50 pm bedtime
Wednesday 3/6/19 : 6:40 pm bedtime
Thursday 3/7/19: 6:30 pm bedtime
Friday: 3/8/19 6:20 pm bedtime
Saturday 3/9/1: 6:10 pm bedtime
Sunday 3/10/19: 7 pm bedtime (new time—old time will be 6 pm)
Keep in mind that the goal is to be back to your baby’s normal bedtime (and routine) in just a few days (some children may take a bit longer, so don’t fret if your child takes a week or so).
Tips for Parents:
Eliminate all caffeine after 1:30 p.m. this week in order to make it easier to go to bed earlier.
If possible, also avoid alcohol this weekend, which negatively affects sleep.
Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual on the Thursday 3/7/19
On Friday 3/7/19 go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual.
On Saturday try to go to bed 45 minutes earlier than your usual bedtime (notice a pattern?).
Whichever method you choose, it’s important to remember that your baby’s internal clock is used to Standard Time. You may need to revert to some sleep training methods for a few days to help ease the time change. “Springing forward” also means that nights are shorter, which may be an issue for some children who are used to dark winter nights. Remember, every child is different, and your little one will adjust, but don’t fret if it’s not overnight (some toddlers can take a few weeks to adjust!). Prepare for the transition to take a few days, and watch for those sleep cues that will tell you when your child is tired and ready to sleep!
Overview On How To Handle Daylight Saving Time:
Decide which Daylight Savings sleep transition method you want to use to help your child adjust.
Take your baby’s internal clock into account and watch for sleepy cues.
Check to see if light is an issue, and consider purchasing room-darkening shades for bedtime, but also expose them to morning light in that first week to “reset” their internal clock.
Most importantly, be flexible and patient. A time change is often hard on kids and adults alike. Readjustment can take about 5-9 days. Just be mindful of the clock and your schedule.
Keep evening plans calm and watch for sleepy cues. Dim the lights in house and avoid screen-time that can be too stimulating.
If needed, use your preferred sleep training method to help encourage sleep and help your baby get the rest he/she needs.
If after the time change you are still having challenging sleep struggles, than don't hesitate to schedule a Time-Change Tune-Up.
I look forward to helping you restore easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and harmonious, confident parenting!
P.S. As pediatric sleep expert and a trained and certified Gentle Sleep Coach. I offer an alternative to the “cry it out” methodology. I am on a mission to help parents tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to their children through a guilt-free, gentle approach and a full-service, proven system to promote a gentle, reassuring, gradual change that results in drama-free bedtimes, peaceful nights, reliable naps, and marital harmony. Want to find out more? Click to know about my methodology . Click to find out how I can help you and your family members achieve Blissful Sleep.
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Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.
I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.
There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"
I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching
Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.
With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,
I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.
I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.
That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.
Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.
Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)
Getting Ready to SPRING FOWARD!! Tips and Tricks!
Spring Forward: March 11, 2018: Tips and Tricks to Ease the Transition.
Getting Ready for the Spring 2018 Time Change: Tips and Tricks to Ease the Transition
It’s that time again: the “Spring Forward” 2018 Time change. In the US, we will turn our clocks ahead one hour at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 11th, 2017.
I am looking forward to the extra daylight and a dose of Vitamin D from the sunshine. As with all time changes, the family should be prepared and expect some sleep disruptions and have tips and strategies on how to tackle it all.
If you employ these tips, it will be easier for your to support your little ones through their own transition
Tips for Parents:
Eliminate all caffeine after 1:30 p.m. the week of March 5 in order to make it easier to go to bed earlier.
If possible, also avoid alcohol the weekend of March 10/11 which negatively affects sleep.
Go to bed 15 minutes earlier than usual on the Thursday 3/8/18
On Friday 3/9/18 go to bed 30 minutes earlier than usual.
On Saturday try to go to bed 45 minutes earlier than your usual bedtime (notice a pattern?).
This time change can often be very difficult for children. After all, imagine being used to a 7pm bedtime and now it’s been moved to what your body feels is 6pm!.
Be patient as it does take the body 7-9 days for the natural circadian rhythm to get back on track.
To make the transition easier, I have outlined some tips to help your baby or toddler make a gentle change. Don’t worry. There are a couple of ways to tackle this transition and you can choose the one that suits your style and your child’s needs the best.
Before the time change…be diligent that your child is getting adequate naps so that they aren’t overtired.
Be prepared for your baby’s bedtime to feel earlier, since it actually is earlier. Remember, we’re jumping ahead a full hour, so what used to be 6:00 p.m. is now 7:00 p.m. (but it will still feel like 6:00 p.m. to your baby).
Exposure to morning light can help the body “reset” the circadian rhythm. If it’s too cold, open the windows and let in some natural light. Try to get at least thirty minutes of sunlight first thing in the morning for that initial week to help your body tune into the time change.
I recommend that you choose between two transition methods for Daylight Savings Time.
Transition Method 1: Pretend that Nothing Has Changed.
Best Method for Families with children with “early rising” tendencies (up before 6am)
Best Method for busy Parents who already feel “rushed” at bedtime.
If you have a child that actually wakes up before 6am, then this may be the right method for you. This method is probably the easiest for most families, as you will follow your daily routine according to the clock, but everything will be pushed ahead one hour.
If you choose this method do the following:
Move your clock ahead an hour on Saturday night, and proceed with your normal day Sunday.
Note: be aware that following this “do nothing approach” means your child will lose an hour, which has the potential to create a struggle at bedtime, because bedtime will be a full hour earlier than it was last night.
Because your baby or toddler is not aware that the time has changed, they will wake up at their normal time (hopefully), but instead of 6:00 a.m., it will be 7:00 a.m. (see what I mean about solving that pesky early rising issue?).
However, don't let your child sleep past 7:30 or 8am or else bedtime will be harder.
Proceed with your normal day, and be sure that your meals and naps, and bedtime are at the appropriate time (you may have to watch the clock).
Remember that your baby will be going to bed at their “regular time”. For example, if your baby is used to a 7:00 p.m. bedtime, put them to bed at the NEW 7:00 p.m. (which was previously 6:00 p.m.). It is very possible that meals and naps will fall into place naturally with this method, but be prepared that your child may not actually be tired at bedtime yet. Remember, they don’t understand why they’ve lost an hour, and it’s suddenly still light out at bedtime, so you may have to be a bit flexible or now might be the time to install those room darkening shades.
This method of adjustment seldom takes more than a week!
Transition Method 2: Make DAILY adjustments
Best for families that know the time change will be hard on their kiddo
Best for families who feel more secure when they “plan in advance”
About 5-7 days before the time change, begin putting your child to bed 10-20 minutes earlier, moving the time back every day or few days until you reach a full hour. So, if your child has a 7:00 p.m. bedtime, you want to begin with bedtime at 6:40 p.m. ,then 6:20 p.m., then 6:00 p.m.
Be consistent as possible with your baby’s food and sleep schedule. This means that you need to shift all meals, snacks, and naps a half hour earlier as well.
Watch the clock to stay on the new schedule of 30 minutes earlier.
Don’t forget to wake your child a bit earlier to help with this transition schedule.
After about a week, your child should be back at their 7:00 p.m. bedtime.
Adjust all meals, snacks, and naps to fit the “new” schedule on the same day that you shift to your child’s new, fully-adjusted bedtime.
Here is an example: If your baby or toddler’s bedtime is 7 pm, it will look like this:
Tuesday 3/6/17 : 6:50 pm bedtime
Wednesday 3/7/17 : 6:40 pm bedtime
Thursday 3/8/17: 6:30 pm bedtime
Friday: 3/9/17 6:20 pm bedtime
Saturday 3/10/17: 6:10 pm bedtime
Sunday 3/11/17: 7 pm bedtime (new time—old time will be 6 pm)
Keep in mind that the goal is to be back to your baby’s normal bedtime (and routine) in just a few days (some children may take a bit longer, so don’t fret if your child takes a week or so).
Whichever method you choose, it’s important to remember that your baby’s internal clock is used to Standard Time. You may need to revert to some sleep training methods for a few days to help ease the time change. “Springing forward” also means that nights are shorter, which may be an issue for some children who are used to dark winter nights. Remember, every child is different, and your little one will adjust, but don’t fret if it’s not overnight (some toddlers can take a few weeks to adjust!). Prepare for the transition to take a few days, and watch for those sleep cues that will tell you when your child is tired and ready to sleep!
Overview On How To Handle Daylight Saving Time:
Decide which Daylight Savings sleep transition method you want to use to help your child adjust.
Take your baby’s internal clock into account and watch for sleepy cues.
Check to see if light is an issue, and consider purchasing room-darkening shades for bedtime, but also expose them to morning light in that first week to “reset” their internal clock.
Most importantly, be flexible and patient. A time change is often hard on kids and adults alike. Readjustment can take about 5-7 days. Just be mindful of the clock and your schedule.
Keep evening plans calm and watch for sleepy cues. Dim the lights in house and avoid screen-time that can be too stimulating.
If needed, use your preferred sleep training method to help encourage sleep and help your baby get the rest he/she needs.
Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.
I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.
There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"
I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching
Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.
With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,
I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.
I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.
That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.
Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.
Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)