Today is WO3 Day…I Support Her. Tips on how to promote a female-owned business
Today is WO3 day!
I had the opportunity to talk to the founder of WO3, Tammi Relyea. We discussed all the simple things you can do to support women owned businesses. Don’t worry, you still have time to get motivated and create on how to all the amazing women owned businesses in your life.
What is WO3
WO3 is a grassroots effort to partner, promote and support women-owned businesses. The third Thursday of March was chosen because March is Women’s History Month and what better time to give a shout-out to woman-owned businesses.
How can I help?
Come together this month to purposely support ANY female-owned business. We can have a great impact on each other. There are no rules, you decide who, what, where and how you want to support.
Think about who you know that is a female-owned business and get creative about the ways to support them. For example:
Share your favorite business’s blog to your social media community.
Write a review - Review helps businesses attract other customers so whether its Yelp, Google or Facebook hop on and write a quick review!
Share the social media posts of the businesses you love- Anytime you like a post or share a post you help boost that algorithm. Small businesses need organic activity on social media platforms to get traction instead of wasting money on an ad campaign.
Join WO3 and share their social media posts- let others know about WO3 day and how you are going to support woman-owned businesses! Sign up here
Express your gratitude- Call or drop off a card to let them know how they have made an impact on your life. It's so important for them to know they are seen and appreciated.
Buy female-owned products- Look for female-owned brands whether a day out shopping at local women-owned boutiques, buying a book written by female author or finding female-owned products at the grocery store. Anything helps!
Wear your favorite woman-owned business fashion today. Wear your favorite women-owned products like Bra-serie and give a shout out to the businesses when anyone compliments it!
Get into the spirit of partnering, promoting and supporting women-owned businesses in the month of march. IT’S THE YES YOU WON’T REGRET!
Join the WO3 network
Make the pledge to support woman-owned businesses in anyway this month!