Well-Rested Mom Tells her Story
Parents in Texas came to me utterly exhausted and overwhelmed after their pediatrician was no longer to help them. That same pediatrician referred them to me. The now well-rested, happy mother and father describe their story!!!
Before Gentle Sleep Coaching, list 2-3 most difficult issues that resulted in your child not sleeping.
Just weeks after Ella was born she developed what specialists called “extreme colic.” She was very uncomfortable and would scream and cry for hours and hours on end day and night inconsolably. So much so she would shake and choke and even momentarily stop breathing. Doctors don’t fully understand colic or what causes it but pretty much they just say “ they will grow out of it.” In addition to this, she developed reflux and would throw up constantly and was in pain from the reflux. Coupled with these medical conditions she is a very highly sensitive and high alert baby and was not able to regulate herself and she was waking up every 1-2 hrs at night crying hysterically and needed mom to put her back to sleep with either bottle or rocking or both. With reflux being the #1 sleep disrupter, this was leading to Ella not sleeping well at all along with babies just not knowing how to regulate and self soothe themselves to sleep.
How were the above problems impacting your life.
As a mom and a protector, this was devastating because I felt there was nothing I could do to help my baby girl. I felt like a failure and even developed post-pardum depression and had anxiety every evening leading up to the night time because I knew it would be a long dreadful and painful night. Even the little bit Ella would sleep at night, I still was not able to sleep due to anxiety. I began to unravel physically as I started getting sick from no sleep. I also came apart emotionally and psychologically due to lack of sleep. This affected my marriage to my wonderful loving and supportive husband.
What finally had your say “enough is enough” that inspired you to reach out for help by working with a sleep coach.
Even with my husbands support I was at the end of my rope and I didn’t think I could take another day because I wasn’t sleeping at night or during the day for weeks and months on end. I called Joanna out of pure desperation and prayed she could help my family. Then in the midst of all of this when Ella was just 5 ½ months old, I found out I was pregnant with # 2. While babies are always a miracle and a blessing this one was not planned and unexpected. While I reached out to Joanna just a couple days before we found out this news, the news of #2 led to an even more desperate and critical situation
What was one your favorite aspects of Gentle Sleep Coaching and working with Joanna Clark of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching.
I was really impressed and appreciated more than anything how much time and effort Joanna took to understanding our story and my baby and the entire puzzle pieces of our situation. She became a team member on behalf of “ Ella’s team to her sleep and therefore give everyone the gift of sleep. You will never fully understand how vital sleep is until you are deprived from it. She had me fill out a lengthy series of questions to understand every detail of Ella and her demeanor, her health and background. The questions also included questions about me and my husband who play a big part of the puzzle fitting together. I felt assurance and very comfortable knowing Joanna was going to help us train Ella until we reached our goal. I didn’t think twice about the money spent because it is nothing compared to the gift and the knowledge and strength it gave us. I felt supported by Joanna and I appreciated the follow up calls every day. I always had questions and she never hesitated to answer with confidence and sincerity. Also, nothing was set in stone as we tweaked the plan as we went depending on how comfortable we felt as parents and how Ella did the night before. There is a true science behind babies sleep and having a knowledgeable professional like Joanna coach you through it and hold your hand while you are falling apart at the seams is life saving and life changing and you can’t put a dollar amount on that. Little Ella had a lot of “challenges” stacked against her from the start. She had colic, reflux, very alert and hard to calm down, met her milestones very early, and also rejecting the sleep crutches that used to work. All of these are big time sleep disrupters. Even with all of this, with the help and gentle coaching of Joanna, Ella was sleeping through the night and sleeping 11-12 hours without feeding or any sleep crutches in just 2 weeks! All in her own crib. This is all truly mind blowing but Joanna helped us by giving us a plan that we felt comfortable with and could trust. It was very gentle which is huge for a mom who can’t stand to hear or let her baby cry. Teaching and training your baby to teach themselves to self soothe themselves back to sleep and sleep through the night without mom and dads help is critical for their health and development as well as the parents and other siblings in the house. It’s the best gift you can give your baby and yourself and spouse
Now that your child is sleeping well, what are some of the tangible and specific results you have experienced in your life.
Since Ella has been sleeping through the night, I am sleeping so well and my marriage is restored. Ella now goes to bed at 6:30 pm and we even have our nights back to enjoy a meal and each other. I am not irritable or over whelmed any longer and I also no longer need medication for post pardum depression. I feel like a new woman and also like myself again. I can enjoy Ella so much more now and she is so much of a happier baby during the day!!
The plan worked so well that we had some time left to nap train which is crucial for babies night time sleep. The nap training went well and Ella is taking 3 solid naps a day while putting herself to sleep in her crib and sleeping 1-2 hrs per nap!
I can say I’m a big believer in Joanna’s approach to Gentle Sleep Coaching and highly recommend her for anyone struggling with their newborn, infant, or toddlers sleep!
Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.
I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.
There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"
I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching
Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.
With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,
I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.
I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.
That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.
Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.
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