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The Difference Between Sleep Training and Sleep Coaching

Revelations From A Mother… who loved her sleep coaching experience.

Please know there is a BIG difference between SLEEP TRAINING and SLEEP COACHING!

The entire process of Gentle Sleep Coaching is about an evidence based, proven system to promote a gentle, reassuring, gradual change that results in healthy sleep habits.

Going to sleep independently and peacefully—and staying asleep—is a learned skill. As parents, we sometimes assume that sleeping is a developmental milestone that comes naturally, yet healthy sleep habits are a learned skill.  Like any skill, its mastery requires coaching, practice and time. We parents are coaches in countless ways every day, so it is perfectly appropriate to gently and safely coach your child on this skill, too. In teaching it, you give a lifelong gift to your child.

Sleep Coaching is NOT “this terrible awful thing.”

In fact, it is one of the most important and supportive actions you can provide to your child.

Below are some important reflections and revelations from a mother that successfully sleep coached her 18 month old daughter. She shares about overcoming the “sleep coaching bias” and judgments in “the mommy world”

“I was one of the moms that would never let my baby cry. If she hated being held by someone (and in my case, it was anyone besides me), I would take her back right away. I quit my job to be with her, I would do anything for her. I read all the books, and I mean all of them. I was active in a huge moms group and frequented parenting websites. 

I started to notice that there were different camps when it came to sleep. It felt very binary- either you let your child cry to sleep and ignored them all night no matter what happened, or you tended to every peep your child made and woke up 3 times a night til they went to kindergarten. I think this is a shame, and Joanna was a nice middle ground in a confusing sleep training world. 

I started to learn and understand that change is inevitable, uncomfortable, and good. And children are constantly changing.  My daughter might not like riding in a car seat, going to the doctor, learning to sleep, going to school, or being cared for by anyone except mommy, and she may cry because of these transitions. There is no way to avoid some discomfort, and sometimes short term discomfort is okay. Short term stress actually helps brain development. There is a big difference between a child being mad (“I don’t want to put myself to sleep! I want to breastfeed to sleep!”) and traumatized. I had to become comfortable with the fact that my child may be mad sometimes at necessary change, and that may lead to some crying. It was so obvious from the first day that my extremely sensitive daughter was not being traumatized by being taught to sleep, and I frankly resent that there was a huge group of people that pushed that message.

Not to say it wasn’t extremely hard. I had to leave the house. Even Joanna’s gentle methods were hard for me to handle, I had never done something my daughter didn’t like. I was so worried. But with a few weeks my daughter who used to wake up 5 times a night started sleeping 11 hours a night, and has never had issues since. She is growing better, she was in the 5th percentile for height and is now in the 75th. Her attitude is 100% better. My attitude is 100% better. And I came to realize my anxiety about her discomfort had been in the way of my daughter being as healthy and happy as she could be”

-Kate C. Austin, TX. Child was 18 months at time of guilt-free, gentle sleep coaching

Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.

I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.

There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"

I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching

Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.

With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,

I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.

I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.

That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.

Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.

Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)

I Want Sleep Now!

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Good News!! The Evidence Is Confirmed: Sleep Coaching Is Safe and Restores Harmony to the Household

Got Kids? Need Sleep?: Evidence Proves Sleep Coaching Is Safe.....Its Time To Make Sleep A Priority for All Family Members.

Got Kids? Need Sleep?: Evidence Proves Sleep Coaching Is Safe.....Its Time To Make Sleep A Priority for All Family Members.

All evidence is now confirming that all sleep coaching methods and interventions work to improve sleep. The studies have validated that there are no concerning levels of stress and cortisol. The studies have also confirmed that there are no negative long-term outcomes. This is great news because it now gives parents freedom to choose the RIGHT METHODOLOGY FOR THEIR PARENTING STYLE AND VALUES.  I personally prefer Gentle Sleep Coaching, which is also known as the Sleep Lady Shuffle or also known as Fading. Gentle Sleep Coaching is a proven methodology that offers parents the opportunity to be in the room with their child while offering verbal and physical assurances. Gentle Sleep Coaching has been proven to minimize tears and frustration. Gentle Sleep Coaching provides substantial Parent Education and insight into the temperament of their child and how that relates to sleep.  Peaceful Nights are Possible with the expertise of Joanna Clark of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching, a trained and certified Gentle Sleep Coach. Below is an article form Aaron Carrroll,  Professor of Pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine that further explains the different sleep training methodologies and options.

Putting Your Baby to Sleep: Some Advice and Good News

Aaron E. Carroll is a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine who blogs on health research.

For many new parents, a baby who sleeps peacefully through the night is more aspiration than reality.

I remember thinking, after my pregnant wife’s water broke minutes after I went to bed, anguishing really, over one thought as we drove to the hospital: “I’m never going to be well rested again.”

If there’s one thing all new parents wish for, it’s a good night’s sleep.

Unfortunately, infants sometimes make that impossible. They wake up repeatedly, needing to be fed, changed and comforted. Eventually, they reach an age when they should sleep through the night. Some don’t, though. What to do with them continues to be a topic of a heated debate in parenting circles.

One camp believes that babies should be left to cry it out. These people place babies in their cribs at a certain time, after a certain routine, and don’t interfere until the next morning. No matter how much the babies scream or cry, parents ignore them. After all, if babies learn that tantrums lead to the appearance of a loved one, they will continue that behavior in the future. The official name for this approach is “Extinction.”

The downside, of course, is that it’s unbelievably stressful for parents. Many can’t do it. And not holding fast to the plan can make everything worse. Responding to an infant’s crying after an extended period of time makes the behavior harder to extinguish. To a baby, it’s like a slot machine that hits just as you’re ready to walk away; it makes you want to play more.

A modification of this strategy is known as “Graduated Extinction.” Parents allow their infant to cry it out for a longer period each night, until infants eventually put themselves to sleep. On the first night, for instance, parents might commit to not entering the baby’s room for five minutes. The next night, 10 minutes. Then 15, and so on. Or, they could increase the increments on progressive checks each night. When they do go in the room, it’s only to check and make sure the baby is O.K. — no picking up or comforting. This isn’t meant to be a reward for crying, but to allow parents to be assured that nothing is wrong

Babies cry for a reason. They come from warm, enclosed, snug wombs where they feel their mothers' constant protection. They exit the womb...

It appears this study had no control group. Was there a "no intervention" group, where families just kept doing what they'd been doing --...

There are pros and cons to the "family bed" solution, but I can tell you one thing from experience. Everyone sleeps. The baby doesn't have...

Another choice is “Bedtime Fading.” The point of this plan is to teach your children how to fall asleep on their own at bedtime, in the hope that if they develop this skill, when they wake up in the middle of the night they’ll choose to employ it rather than call for you. With fading, you temporarily set bedtime later than usual and preface it with a good bedtime routine. Your babies learn that bedtime is fun, and have little trouble falling asleep because they’re more tired than usual. Then you move their bedtime earlier and earlier, so that infants learn how to put themselves to sleep when they are less and less tired.

A fourth method is “Scheduled Awakenings.” In this method, a parent tries to disrupt spontaneous awakening by getting up in the middle of the night to wake children 15 to 30 minutes before they usually wake up on their own. They then help the baby fall back asleep. The scheduled awakenings are later phased out.

Of course, even with fading and scheduled awakenings, it’s possible that your baby will wake up in the middle of the night, screaming. Then you face a choice: Go to them or wait it out?

Some people always choose to comfort the child. They think that making a baby cry it out is inhumane and could even lead to psychological problems. Others feel that giving in to babies prevents them from learning needed skills and leads to later problems.

A final thing doctors can do is “Parental Education,” which is closer to prevention. It involves talking to parents about many of these options, especially training infants to fall asleep on their own, before problems develop.

As a pediatrician, the first thing I do with parents who are experiencing problems is calm them down. Sometimes it feels as if it will never go away, but I try to remind them that few teenagers have this issue. They go to bed fine, and if they wake up in the middle of the night, they go back to sleep without anyone’s help. This almost always, eventually, gets better.

On the other hand, I don’t want to minimize the short-term problems for parents. Nor do I want to do nothing. Sleep deprivation leads to significant and serious consequences in adults. A 2008 study published in Pediatrics found that mothers of infants with sleep problems, in which no intervention was tried, were more likely to report symptoms of clinical depression when their child was 2 years old. Sleep problems also lead to significant parental stress, and, potentially, physicalpunishment.

The good news is that almost all interventions work. In 2006, a systematic review was published in the journal Sleep that examined all the relevant research on the efficacy of these interventions. Ninety-four percent of the 52 reviewed studies found that the interventions led to improved sleep, and more than 80 percent of children who were treated improved significantly.

The strongest evidence supported the extinction method and parent education (i.e., prevention). Still, there was evidence that also supported the graduated extinction, fading and scheduled awakenings methods.

People become surprisingly heated about which method to use. This isn’t just because they think one works better than the other, but also because they think some are harmful. They worry about the long-term effects of some methods. Those concerns may be overblown, though. A small study published recently followed children who were randomly sorted to use graduated extinction, fading or parent education. Besides looking at the effectiveness of the intervention on sleep, researchers measured the cortisol hormone in infants’ saliva (as a measure of stress) as well as mothers’ moods and stress.

Again, all of the interventions worked to improve sleep. More important, none caused any concerning levels of stress. This confirmed the findings of two previous studies that found that infant sleep problems, and the interventions used to remedy them, do not predict long-term outcomes, even at 6 years of age.

Parents become stressed about infants who don’t sleep well. That’s understandable. What they don’t need to stress about is that fixing it will cause more harm or have long-term negative consequences. A good night’s sleep makes almost everything better.

Aaron E. Carroll is a professor of pediatrics at Indiana University School of Medicine who blogs on health research and policy at The Incidental Economist and makes videos at Healthcare Triage. Follow him on Twitter at @aaronecarroll.

Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.

I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.

There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"

I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching

Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.

With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,

I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.

I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.

That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.

Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.

Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)

I Want Sleep Now!

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Well-Rested Mom Tells her Story of Gentle Sleep Coaching

Well-Rested Mom Tells her Story

Parents in Texas came to me utterly exhausted and overwhelmed after their pediatrician was no longer to help them. That same pediatrician referred them to me. The now well-rested, happy mother and father describe their story!!!

Before Gentle Sleep Coaching, list 2-3 most difficult issues that resulted in your child not sleeping.

Just weeks after Ella was born she developed what  specialists called “extreme colic.” She was very uncomfortable and would scream and cry for hours and hours on end day and night inconsolably. So much so she would shake and choke  and even momentarily stop breathing. Doctors don’t fully understand colic or what causes it but pretty much they just say “ they will grow out of it.” In addition to this, she developed reflux and would throw up constantly and was in pain from the reflux. Coupled with these medical conditions she is a very highly sensitive and high alert baby and was not able to regulate herself and she was waking up every 1-2 hrs at night crying hysterically and needed mom to put her back to sleep with either bottle or rocking or both. With reflux being the #1 sleep disrupter, this was leading to Ella not sleeping well at all along with babies just not knowing how to regulate and self soothe themselves to sleep.

• How were the above problems impacting your life.

As a mom and a protector, this was devastating because I felt there was nothing I could do to help my baby girl. I felt like a failure and even developed post-pardum depression and had anxiety every evening leading up to the night time because I knew it would be a long dreadful and painful night. Even the little bit Ella would sleep at night, I still was not able to sleep due to anxiety. I began to unravel physically as I started getting sick from no sleep. I also came apart emotionally and psychologically due to lack of sleep. This affected my marriage to my wonderful loving and supportive husband.

What finally had your say “enough is enough” that inspired you to reach out for help by working with a sleep coach.

 Even with my husbands support I was at the end of my rope and I didn’t think I could take another day because I wasn’t sleeping at night or during the day for weeks and months on end. I called Joanna out of pure desperation and prayed she could help my family. Then in the midst of all of this when Ella was just 5 ½ months old, I found out I was pregnant with # 2. While babies are always a miracle and a blessing this one was not planned and unexpected. While I reached out to Joanna just a couple days before we found out this news, the news of #2 led to an even more desperate and critical situation

• What was one your favorite aspects of Gentle Sleep Coaching and working with Joanna Clark of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching.

I was really impressed and appreciated more than anything how much time and effort Joanna took to understanding our story and my baby and the entire puzzle pieces of our situation. She became a  team member on behalf of “ Ella’s team to her sleep and therefore give everyone the gift of sleep. You will never fully understand how vital sleep is until you are deprived from it. She had me fill out a lengthy series of questions to understand every detail of Ella and her demeanor, her health and background. The questions also included questions about me and my husband who play a big part of the puzzle fitting together. I felt assurance and very comfortable knowing Joanna was going to help us train Ella until we reached our goal. I didn’t think twice about the money spent because it is nothing compared to the gift and the knowledge and strength it gave us. I felt supported by Joanna and I appreciated the follow up calls every day. I always had questions and she never hesitated to answer with confidence and sincerity. Also, nothing was set in stone as we tweaked the plan as we went depending on how comfortable we felt as parents and how Ella did the night before. There is a true science behind babies sleep and having a knowledgeable professional like Joanna coach you through it and hold your hand while you are falling apart at the seams is life saving and life changing and you can’t put a dollar amount on that. Little Ella had a lot of “challenges” stacked against her from the start. She had colic, reflux, very alert and hard to calm down, met her milestones very early, and also rejecting the sleep crutches that used to work. All of these are big time sleep disrupters. Even with all of this, with the help and gentle coaching of Joanna, Ella was sleeping through the night and sleeping 11-12 hours without feeding or any sleep crutches in just 2 weeks! All in her own crib. This is all truly mind blowing but Joanna helped us by giving us a plan that we felt comfortable with and could trust. It was very gentle which is huge for a mom who can’t stand to hear or let her baby cry. Teaching and training your baby to teach themselves to self soothe themselves back to sleep and sleep through the night without mom and dads help is critical for their health and development as well as the parents and other siblings in the house. It’s the best gift you can give your baby and yourself and spouse

• Now that your child is sleeping well, what are some of the tangible and specific results you have experienced in your life.

Since Ella has been sleeping through the night, I am sleeping so well and my marriage is restored. Ella now goes to bed at 6:30 pm and we even have our nights back to enjoy a meal and each other. I am not irritable or over whelmed any longer and I also no longer need medication for post pardum depression. I feel like a new woman and also like myself again. I can enjoy Ella so much more now and she is so much of a happier baby during the day!!

The plan worked so well that we had some time left to nap train which is crucial for babies night time sleep. The nap training went well and Ella is taking 3 solid naps a day while putting herself to sleep in her crib and sleeping 1-2 hrs per nap! 

I can say I’m a big believer in Joanna’s approach to Gentle Sleep Coaching and highly recommend her for anyone struggling with their newborn, infant, or toddlers sleep!

Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.

I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.

There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"

I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching

Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.

With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,

I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.

I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.

That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.

Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.

Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)

I Want Sleep Now!

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Mega Success Story: Family Life Improves With Proper Sleep.

A Mega Success Story...Find Out How This Family's Life Changed with Gentle Sleep Coaching

I had to share this incredibly inspiring success story about a family that had a premature baby and many sleep crutches. This is a wonderful example of all the benefits of Gentle Sleep Coaching with Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching.

Before Gentle Sleep Coaching, list 2-3 most difficult issues that resulted in your child not sleeping.

Our child was born three months prematurely and as a result his sleeping and eating cycle stayed on a three hour rotation for almost 6 months. Because he was born so early he was not able to breast feed, so I exclusively pumped for about nine months and my husband and I would be up all night long to either pump (me) or feed (him) our son. This routine created many unique sleep challenges and crutches for our family that took a severe toll on our sleep and overall wellness after all of those months. Our breaking point occurred when we found ourselves in a desperate 1 to 2 hour cycle at night of crying jags and arousals. We offered bottles, rocking, holding, midnight car rides, our bed...anything to get our baby to sleep. It seemed that a new tactic would work for a short period of time, but eventually would fail. Fletcher was obviously over tired, but lacked the ability to rest and we did not know how to soothe him beyond the crutches that we had already tried. We were insistent that we did not want him to 'cry it out' in any way and that we would 'love him to sleep', but after months of regression and worsening sleep issues it became apparent that our methods were not what our son needed. Day time sleep was also a problem. Our baby would only sleep if he was held, being driven around, or at times if I was running with him in a jog stroller (but I could not stop or he would wake up) and at best a nap would last about 30-45 minutes. The whole routine was exhausting!
How were the above problems impacting your life…list as many as you can.

My husband and I were extremely sleep deprived as a result and lived in a constant fog. We were short with one another and found ourselves functioning in a day to day survival mode just to get through. I also developed an anxiety around sleep and I especially began to fear night time because I knew too well the desperate feeling of getting through another long night with such broken sleep. I felt helpless to soothe my baby and I just never knew what would work or for how long it would last. When we would start the day I felt defeated because I was just so tired already. We wouldn't leave him with a babysitter because we didn't want to put anyone through his crying jags and because he couldn't be put down --it would just be too difficult. We were isolated and it was very lonely.
What finally had your say “enough is enough” that inspired you to reach out for help by working with a sleep coach.

We hit rock bottom - we needed to be able to sleep. Our son was doing well and growing and thriving, but we were still stuck in a terrible sleep cycle. We ran out of ideas and simply were exhausted. We had a rough month of colds and three to four total hours of sleep per night stretches and knew we couldn't hang on. We also had a cross country move quickly approaching and wanted to get through this issue before we had new changes and an extended time of transition.
What was one your favorite aspects of Gentle Sleep Coaching and working with Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching.

Joanna is awesome! She is funny and bright and offers a sparkly light at the end of the tunnel (it was a long tunnel for us :). I immediately had hope after speaking with her for only 15 minutes. She is so knowledgeable and explained the science behind sleep cycles and gave us concrete information regarding how much sleep our baby needed, his sleep windows, and what to expect throughout the sleep training. She is empathetic and supportive and her confidence is contagious. We were so exhausted in the beginning that we needed someone to tell us exactly what to do, how to do it, when to do it and why and Joanna absolutely did all of these things.
Now that your child is sleeping well, what are some of the tangible and specific results you have experienced in your life.

Our baby has been sleeping in his crib from 7 pm until 6 am! We decided to continue one feeding at night so he does wake for that around 1 AM, but it is quick and predictable and lasts about 10 minutes total. He has hit new milestones this week (standing and crawling) so he has had a few new arousals but we approach these with our tools from sleep training and have seen progress already. I no longer have anxiety about the night because I know what to do should this situation arise and for the most part our evenings are very predictable these days. We have time to ourselves once he goes to bed at night! I feel So relieved to watch him fall happily asleep in his crib by himself ... it is an amazing feeling.

Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.

I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.

There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"

I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching

Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.

With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,
I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.

I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.
That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.

Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.

Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies) 

I Want Sleep Now!

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Great Success Stories: Tales from Grateful Clients!

Success Stories: Tales from Grateful Clients

Sleep Baby=Happy Baby=Happy Mommy!

Sleep Baby=Happy Baby=Happy Mommy!


It is so wonderful to hear parents tell their "before and after" sleep stories. Here are two inspiring stories that prove peaceful nights are possible!!! I have helped over 500 clients...I can help you too. Don't hesitate to reach out to talk live and find out how Gentle Sleep Coaching can work for your family. http://www.blissfulbabysleepcoaching.com/do-i-need-a-sleep-coach/


Kathleen P.  from GA: Child was 2 years old at time of sleep coaching

"When our daughter was 18 months old, she took an hour on average to fall asleep for naps and bedtime, and then woke every 2-4 hours.  She was sleeping on our guest mattress on the floor because she couldn’t fall asleep without me (her mother) right beside her, and often wouldn’t sleep unless I stayed the rest of the night.  She was completely dependent upon me to sleep, so much so that she’d scream until I arrived if my husband tried to help alone.  I was beyond exhausted and really had no idea what to do.  I was afraid of sleep training, fearing it would ruin her trust and secure attachment with me.  Friends and family had told me “She’ll eventually sleep through the night on her own”, so I kept waiting. 

I finally called Joanna out of desperation after a particularly horrible night of no sleep.  It had to change or I felt like moving out!  I immediately felt comfortable with Joanna, as she reassured me she could help and that she understood where we were coming from.  She thoroughly explained her approach and the sleep science behind why it works.  As a team of 3, she helped us create a sleep plan that was exactly what my daughter needed.  Because of my daughter’s age and numerous sleep crutches, we all thought it would take many weeks to train her.  We were thrilled when she was sleep trained after only 11 days, and was nap trained after 12.  She now sleeps a full 12 hours at night in her crib, and requires no participation from us to fall asleep.  It is the true definition of bliss.

I want to shout it from the rooftops that sleep training is beneficial and necessary!  I wish I had known that falling asleep on your own is a learned skill, not one you just wait for your child to figure out.  I strongly urge any parent struggling with exhaustion to please call Joanna and trust her.  Her approach is truly gentle, and has saved our sanity and happiness as parents.  We could not have done this without her, and are so happy with what we’ve achieved with her guidance."


M. Miller, Michigan:  Child was 7 month old at time of sleep coaching

"We called Joanna for our second child. Our first kid is a great sleeper, we never expected to have such a hard time with our second. We were exhausted confused and we did not know what to try next!!! A friend of mine told me about Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching and I immediately called. Joanna was great and I could tell from our initial conversation that she will be able to help us. We followed Joanna’s Plan and after 3 days our 7 months old baby was sleeping trough the night and napping.  Joanna and her method was a god send, she help us every step of the way, week days and weekends you name it, she was there.

Thank you Joanna for giving our son the gift of sleep. Merci Merci!!!!!"

Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.

I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.

There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"

I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching

Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.

With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,

I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.

I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.

That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.

Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.

Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)

I Want Sleep Now!

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Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching was picked as winner of Red Tricycle’s 2016 Totally Awesome Awards.

Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching was picked as winner of Red Tricycle’s 2016 Totally Awesome Awards. Red Tricycle’s Totally Awesome Awards is the largest awards program in the greater parenting community. The Totally Awesome Awards recognize the best family-friendly products, parenting tips, and resources for babies and tots across the nation and allows parents to elect their favorites from a curated list of best-of-the-best. Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching has won this award recognition in 2012, 2013 and 2016! In honor of this award, up until 10/31/16, I am offering discounts of Gentle Sleep Coaching packages and offering a Giveaway to win a FREE 30min. consultation. Read on for more details.


FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 2016, San Francisco CA.  Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching has won the honor of Most Awesome Parenting Program in Red Tricycle’s Annual Totally Awesome Awards. To celebrate this award, read below for special offers and a gi…

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 2016, San Francisco CA. Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching has won the honor of Most Awesome Parenting Program in Red Tricycle’s Annual Totally Awesome Awards. To celebrate this award, read below for special offers and a giveaway for a FREE 30-minute Sleep Consultation.


October 2016, San Francisco CA. Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching has won the honor of Most Awesome Parenting Program in Red Tricycle’s Annual Totally Awesome Awards.

Red Tricycle’s Totally Awesome Awards is the largest awards program in the greater parenting community. The Totally Awesome Awards recognize the best family-friendly products, parenting tips, and resources for babies and tots across the nation and allows parents to elect their favorites from a curated list of best-of-the-best.

The 4th Annual Totally Awesome Awards Driven had a huge audience of active and engaged parents.  This year’s Totally Awesome Awards amassed more than 350,000 participants and 70,000 online votes across 88 categories.

Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching not only won this award in 2016, but also in 2012 and 2013. “Winning a Red Tricycle Totally Awesome Award is an incredible recognition of the hard work I do to offer individualized Pediatric Sleep Coaching services using a proven approach of gentle sleep coaching to reclaim peaceful nights for tired parents”  says Joanna Clark, Founder of Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching. “Red Tricycle is a pillar in the parenting community, and having been awarded Best Parenting Program 3 different times is verification of the growing recognition of my passion and practice of helping tired families establish healthy sleep habits, thus, restoring peaceful nights and resulting in a well-rested family.  

Jacqui Boland, CEO and Founder of Red Tricycle, congratulated all the winners saying: “The reason that you have achieved this success is because your community reached out and took the time to vote for you. It may sound simple, asking people to click a few boxes, but we know that even that is no easy feat. Everyone is so busy that even an extra five minutes is difficult to squeeze in. But your customers took the time to do this because what you do is important to them. And it’s important to us. Nothing gives us more pleasure than helping a business that supports families not only succeed, but thrive.”

To see the winners for each category, please visit redtri.com/2016-totally-awesome-award

Gentle Sleep Coaching is emerging as a “Best Practice” in Pediatric Sleep Science and my goal is for Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching to be known as a trusted resource and leader in this field.

In honor of my Red Tricycle AWARD & my ongoing quest to educate families about the benefits of Gentle Sleep Coaching,

 I am offering two unique opportunities until 10/31.

1. I am offering $50 off all Gentle Sleep Coaching packages booked before 10/31. Clients must begin the first night of Sleep Coaching no later than 12/1/2016.

2.  I am offering a daily opportunity to WIN a FREE 30 minute baby sleep consultation with me.

To Enter Giveaway: please complete the following 2 tasks:

1. Please go to my website to download “Was Your Child Awake Last Night?” 

Website: http://www.blissfulbabysleepcoaching.com/

 2.  Please “Like” my Facebook business page: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/blissfulbabysleep/

Winner: Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching

2016 Totally Awesome Award Winner of

Best Parenting Program in San Diego

@RedTri's #TotallyAwesomeAwards2016 for Best Parenting Program!

Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.

I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.

There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"

I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching

Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.

With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,

I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.

I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.

That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.

Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.

Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)

I Want Sleep Now!

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