A Story: Her Greatest Fear about Sleep Coaching

I am so excited to share another success story with you. This couple had a 15 month old son that took a ton of time and effort to go to sleep. Mom was utterly depleted because all the night-time caretaking fell on her shoulders. Her husband could see the toll on his wife and wanted things to get better for the whole family. They knew they did not want to do “cry-it-out” and they knew they needed someone they could trust.  

Below is a video of this family’s sleep transformation. Take it from mom when she said:  

"What I know now after coaching is that the greatest fear is not giving yourself a chance to try something different. By asking for help, I am not only helping my child, but also everyone in the family. I wish I asked for help sooner!” 

Here is more of what Esmeralda had to say:  

"Before working with Joanna, our 15 month old son took tons of steps to get him to sleep: we had to rock him in a stroller with a big bottle and then transfer to co-sleeping. Throughout the night, he needed 2 bottles of milk and had to sleep with a parent. On top of that, he did not eat many solids during the day.  I knew we needed help. I was not willing to do "cry-it-out”. I wanted someone that had tons of experience and had success stores. I wanted to find someone I can trust. I wanted someone to get me results the first time. I did a lot of research. It felt weird to trust someone, but we knew we needed a solution and guidance. Joanna gave us the trust and confidence. Now he is sleeping through the night, taking good naps, has a strong bond with daddy, and has increased appetite. He is growing like crazy and his learning development is way up. He is learning so fast, like counting and saying ABC’s. The bond that formed between father and child was incredible. It is amazing because before coaching he only wanted mom and now we have a connection and more time together”  

Do you want to enjoy Blissful Sleep just like Esmeralda and her family? It is all possible with one phone call or email! 


Fall Time Change Tips: November 7, 2021


Sleep Success for a 6 Year Old: It's Never Too Late to Learn Sleep Skills