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Why Does Sleep Affect Your Memory?
How Does Sleep Affect Your Memory? And more musings on all things sleep when you have children!
Do you know why SLEEP is so Important for your MEMORY? Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash
Do you know why SLEEP is so Important for your MEMORY? Photo by jesse orrico on Unsplash
Fascinating Sleep Fact:
Do you know why SLEEP is so important for your MEMORY??
Your daytime experiences are stored in your hippocampus and when you sleep, that information is moved to your cortex. Thus, with proper sleep cycles, you wake in the morning with yesterday's experiences safely filed away and you have also regained your short term memory capacity for new learning and activities.
I am sure you are rolling your eyes and saying "No wonder, I cant remember anything during the day"....Yes, it is true, if your child is waking you up at night this will affect your memory.
Not to worry, there is always a way to solve your child's sleep struggles. One of the ways, is to ask me a question so I can give you a customized response during my Thursday Facebook Lives.
For example, last week, Deanna asked some amazing questions that allowed me the great opportunity to talk about the following:
How to manage sleep coaching during a 2 nap-to-1-nap transition;
When to consider switching sleep coaching methodologies;
Understanding a major pit-fall by getting "stuck in the room" during the sleep coaching process because your child HATES when you leave.
If you would like a custom solution to your sleep questions, than don't delay, submit your questions by 12pm PST on THURSDAYs
SUBMIT HERE by 12pm on Thursdays https://bit.ly/3dMGL7v
"I want my dread and anxiety over bed-time and night-time to be over!"
I want my dread and anxiety over bed-time and night-time to be over!" Photo by niklas_hamann on Unsplash
I want my dread and anxiety over bed-time and night-time to be over!"
Photo by niklas_hamann on Unsplash
Can you relate to this.....
"I want to stop questioning myself and stop feeling like I am messing up all the time with my baby's sleep"
"I want my dread and anxiety over bed-time and night-time to be over!"
"I am feeling frustrated, exhausted and completely overwhelmed all the time because nothing I have done to help my baby sleep has worked"
Trust me, I understand. In my Facebook LIVE, I addressed these concerns so that you can stop feeling the crushing mommy-guilt and feel like there is hope and help to solve your child's sleep struggles.
Get some clarity to these difficult situations by listening to this video below.
<<< Click the image or here to watch the 6/4/20 Facebook Live recording
So....if you are feeling this way, than I can offer some relief from the relentless questioning and hoping. I want to support you in finding the right path and right answers for your family and parenting values.
Join me for an informative Facebook LIVE this Thursday June 18 at 2pm PST on my Facebook Page
Please submit questions no later than 10am on Thursday 6/18 so I can be very specific with my sleep solutions for you.
Don't worry, I do NOT advocate “Cry-it-Out”. I provide Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching Solutions to minimize tears so you can enjoy easy bedtimes, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting.
I have helped over 1000 families solve their child’s sleep struggles and finally sleep through the night. That’s more that 3000 family members now sleeping blissfully. Let me help your family sleep better too!
Sleep is bliss, let's get you more,
Joanna Clark
What You Might NOT KNOW About Your Pelvic Floor
After extensively interviewing Lori Yu, a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, I have to admit, I had been woefully uneducated in this area of women’s health and I had completely misunderstood and misjudged this important area of my anatomy. My hope in sharing this information is that you too will tune into this critical area of women's health that is often overlooked and NOT discussed. Trust me, YOU WANT TO KNOW THIS IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT YOUR PELVIC FLOOR!
Do you know the REAL basis to Women's Health & Vitality.
It is not what you expect!
As you probably know by now by now, I am always out "in the field" gathering information and resources on important topics that will help you navigate all the elements of motherhood.
After extensively interviewing Lori Yu, a Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist, I have to admit, I had been woefully uneducated in this area and I had completely misunderstood and misjudged this important area of my anatomy.
I am proud to bring you critical information about women's health and vitality regarding the importance of maintaining the Pelvic Floor.
My hope in sharing this information is that you too will tune into this critical area of women's health that is often overlooked and NOT discussed. Trust me, THIS IS IMPORTANT INFORMATION!
Please take 20 minutes to listen to this truly important and valuable information from Lori You of Yu Physical Therapy.
Watch the interview, click on image below:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvDaBPV7d9w?rel=0&w=560&h=315]
Amazing information, right??
If you have questions that you want to ask Lori, she is ready and available to do a Pelvic Floor Triage Session: Book a phone or zoom/skype session with Lori to learn more about pelvic health or ask questions about your current situation.Cost: $40.00/ 15 minutes
Lori Yu, Pelvic Floor Physical Therapist at Yu Physical Therapy
Website: https://www.yuphysicaltherapy.com/
Phone: 1-650-224-6886
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/yuphysicaltherapy/?hl=en
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Yuphysicaltherapy
Be on the look out for another interview with Lori where we will continue the conversation and learn how an un-engaged pelvic floor is one of the main reasons moms experience the dreaded "mommy pooch"....Yes, this surprised me too! All along,I thought mastering the perfect "plank pose" was going to help me overcome my "mommy pooch", I have been wrong on this fact for 15 years post birth!
Are you struggling with your child's disruptive sleep patterns? Please know there is NO NEED to live in a sleep-deprived haze, there is hope and help available. Talk to a Sleep Expert to learn the right next steps to get where you want your family to be: well-rested!
Sleep Matters...For Everyone
Do you want to stay up-to-date on all the incredible information and interviews I have to share?
If so, please join my Facebook and Instagram tribes.
Solve your child’s sleep struggles once and for all — so everyone finally sleeps again.
I help sleep-deprived families get where they need to be: well-rested.
There Is No Need To "Cry-It-Out"
I Offer Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching
Easy and calm bedtimes, quiet, peaceful nights, reliable naps and confident parenting are yours.
With proven, evidence-based methods, an expert, signature process, and full-service support,
I help you tenderly teach the “skills of sleep” to your child.
I’ve Helped Over 800 Families Sleep Through The Night.
That’s More Than 2,400 Family Members Now Sleeping Better.
Let Me Help Your Whole Family Sleep Better, Too.
Click the button below to schedule a live 45 minute Sleep Strategy Session where you can gain expert insights into how to tackle the sleep struggles once and for all! (small fee applies)