Do you have a family vacation planned? Trip to the Grandparents?

Are you going on a family vacation and wondering how you are going to get your baby to sleep well in the hotel room? 

Are you going to visit the grandparents and afraid the room is going to be too light-filled for your baby or child to sleep well? 

Are you looking for a solution that will make travel this summer easier so you can increase the probability your child will sleep well for nights and naps?

I have 2 solutions for you. 

  • I recognize that packing for a whole family vacation is really daunting. I have prepared this helpful travel checklist to get your organized.

  • Over the past decade working as a Gentle Sleep Coach, there are many great products that can help make parenting easier! (In fact, I am thrilled to report that many of these must-have products are created by mom-preneurs with incredible entrepreneurial stories!)

The following 2 products I find myself constantly recommending to parents during coaching calls to help make their life EASIER and assist in SOLVING their sleep struggles especially when they are traveling and want to be well-rested!

Order your Slumberpod today!


Ages: 4 months and up

What is it?

SlumberPod is a quick-assembly “pod” that goes over pack-and plays, play yards, mini cribs, toddler cots and toddler air mattresses to create a black-out dark environment for sleeping. Slumberpod also has a NEW product called the HomeBase that allows Slumberpod to be used with a full size crib!

Why I love it?
It’s a Gamechanger! As a Gentle Sleep Coach, creating the optimal learning environment for your child to learn to sleep includes darkness! The Slumberpod is easy, safe and convenient. This is a product that works for babies as young as 4 months and up. Slumberpod is incredible for room-sharing and can be used on vacation! Say farewell to the days of setting up the pack and play in the hotel bathroom for a dark quiet atmosphere or cutting your vacation days short because baby needs darkness to sleep! 

I love this product so much that I was able to get a discount for my clients of $20. You will definitely want to take advantage of this discount. Order your SlumberPod today!

What’s amazing about the Slumberpod is that there is room for a sound machine as well as a monitor so that you can really create that optimal sleeping environment. I love this particular portable white noise machine. 

Order your Marpac Hushh Portable White Noise Machine today! 

Marpac Hushh Portable White Noise Machine for Baby 

Ages- All

What is it?

The portable and easy-to-use white noise machine.

Why do I love it?
This is a great option to have for on the go naps or during travel with your Slumberpod! Perfect for those with older siblings and when baby has to take car naps or room sharing. This is a great way to help them stay asleep so they can remain well-rested!

Get your Marpac Hushh Portable White Noise Machine today!


Don’t forget I made this really helpful travel checklist to make packing easier. 

Wishing you and your family fabulous summer travel adventures. 

Interested in Seeing More of My Favorite Products?

From nursery essentials to children’s books, and more… follow @blissfulbabysleep on for direct links to purchase online.

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness. Follow @blissfulbabysleep on for my favorite products. 

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get You more!


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