It’s travel season! Be prepared with a What to Pack List!

It's travel season! For families that FINALLY have their kids taking predictable naps and are enjoying BEAUTIFUL, BLISSFUL SLEEP the thoughts of “messing it up” by stepping out of their routine can be stressful. For families that are already sleep-deprived and struggling with getting the child to sleep at home, the idea of having to handle this while traveling can be overwhelming. Managing your child’s sleep while on vacation is possible and I am going to give you some tips to make everything easier! 

Think ahead while packing what you need to maintain your optimal sleep environment! 

Download my free Summer Travel: What to Pack checklist!

  • Bring a white noise machine or small fan! This will help maintain your child’s routine at home and help them be more comfortable in their new environment. It is also a great way to drown out background noise if you are room sharing.

  • Does your child have a favorite lovie, stuffed animal or blanket? Make sure to pack these!

  • If your child is used to sleeping in a crib, call ahead to see if there is one available or bring a pack and play. You can also consider using a baby equipment rental company at your destination. If your child is sleeping in a bed, there are some great options for child air mattresses! **

  • Getting a child to sleep in bright rooms can be tricky while away! There are some great products available that ensure a quick and easy fix. Check out the Snooze shade or Slumberpod! These are also a must-have if you are room sharing while away! Check out my interview with the Creator of Snoozeshade

  • If your child is used to a sleep sack or swaddle make sure to pack them (plus some back ups).

  • What is your sleep routine with your little one? Do you read the same book every night or sing songs? Pack whatever you will need to maintain this routine as much as possible. Consistency helps children feel comfortable and know what to expect.

Remember being consistent does not mean never changing the schedule or routine. It's important to be flexible and most importantly ENJOY YOUR TRIP! Don’t feel guilty if you need to offer your child a little more support while traveling to make them feel comfortable! When you get home, you can return back to your normal schedule and routines!

Download my free Summer Travel: What to Pack checklist to help make sure you are prepared!

You can also check out my video on Holiday Travel Tips and blog post 7 Family Travel Tips for Summer 2021 for more travel tips!

If you are sleep deprived and struggling with getting the child to sleep at home and the overwhelm is taking the joy out of travel planning, hope and help are available. 

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM Sleep Strategy Session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.


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