Sleep Success Story: From ONLY wanting “Mommy” to loving Dad doing bedtime. Sleeping all night & easy naps.

Can you relate to being in a situation where your child "only wants mommy"?

Do you feel like you are "on duty" 24/7?

Does your husband want to help you, but your child makes it impossible for Dad to step in?

Well, this was the story of Stephanie and Dennis who had a 25 month-old-son who would wake multiple times per night and require nursing to go back to sleep. He ONLY WANTED MOM. Often times, they would think he was asleep for the night and he would run out of his room looking for mom. In fact, if dad came to help, their son would push dad away and say "no, mommy". Consequently, mom was nursing around the clock to help her son get to sleep and go back to sleep, but mom was not getting any sleep herself. Stephanie also had an important business trip where she needed her son to be sleeping well so it would be easy for dad to care-take both boys when she was attending to her professional work commitments. 

The family reached their tipping point and knew they needed some help! After some research, they decided that working with a sleep coach and receiving one-on-one support and guidance was the best fit. They needed and wanted a Total Family Sleep Transformation.

I am so happy this family reached out for sleep support! Watch Stephanie and Dennis's story in the video below to see how working with a Sleep Expert was instrumental in helping solve ALL the sleep struggles.

Stephanie and Dennis want to encourage people to work with a sleep consultant.

"Don't hesitate to sign up. It's certainly worth the investment. I frankly was of the belief that, I don't think this is going to change given the stubborn nature of our child, but lo-and-behold, he's sleeping peacefully and we aren't battling with him over sleep anymore. It works!"

Thank you for watching Stephanie and Dennis' story and I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family. Please share this with any friends that need some help, hope and support right now! Don't ever hesitate to contact me.

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected so you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness. 

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Does your child suffer from ear aches, constipation, reflux, plagiocephaly, problems with latching, or torticollis?