Sleep Success Story: Skeptical Parents Astounded of Success of Gentle Sleep Coaching
This couple made a pact with each other that they would "do things better this time" in terms of sleep habits for their 2nd child. Sleep was going great for months, but then baby started getting older and the sleep demands started increasing, night sleep fell apart and naps struggles came next. With dad working long hours and mom going back to the commute to the office, juggling sleep-deprivation and a family of 4 was getting entirely too difficult.
Even with a family member's glowing personal recommendation for Joanna and her sleep coaching process, Sahar and Ammar were skeptical of sleep coaching, but took a chance because they had "nothing to lose."
This family experienced a Total Family Sleep Transformation faster than they anticipated! The sleep coaching process was a "win-win" for parents and baby alike. Now, baby is sleeping 11+hrs at night and the parents aren't burnt out and are more productive at work. Baby Boy is spending better quality time with the family and Momma even wakes up rested, not needing coffee! Gone are the nights this couple spends watching the monitor instead of having date night, attending birthday parties and going on a girls night!
I am so happy this family reached out for sleep support! Watch Sahar and Ammar's story in the video below to see how working with a Sleep Expert was totally transformative for their entire family!
Click image above or here to watch video: Sahar and Ammar - Child was 10 months old at time of Guilt-Free, Gentle Sleep Coaching
Amidst the sleep deprivation, this couple supported each other, didn’t give up hope and found the right coach to help them Get Their Life Back and keep their pact of good sleep habits!
Thank you for watching Sahar and Ammar's story and I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family. Please share this with any friends that need some help, hope and support right now! Don't ever hesitate to contact me.
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