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Do Your New Year’s Goals Include More Sleep?
Every time New Years comes around everyone starts talking about their goals for the year.
New Year = New Me... right?
Any sleep deprived parent knows that thinking about doing anything extra just isn't going to happen because it's hard enough to complete the bare minimum.
What if I told you that with the RIGHT SLEEP COACHING SUPPORT, you are able to GET YOUR LIFE BACK!
What's everyone’s biggest road block to making successful changes and achieving their goals....TIME!
I can support you in achieving your goals by giving you the gift of time. In a few short weeks, you will have the time to spend more on what you want in your life versus staying in a sleep-deprived haze and battling your child's sleep struggles.
LINDSAY Y. MET HER WEIGHT LOSS GOALS: "Not only did you help us with sleeping but you helped us schedule the whole entire day to make it fit more for our family and fit for our daughter. I was able to work out, I lost 20 pounds!" Lindsay Y.
PAUL & KIM ELIMINATED BACK ACHES: "Lack of sleep lead to headaches, body aches and a feeling that we had nothing else to give. Now we can take walks in the evening and take care of chores and have a relaxing evening. The hand-holding coaching experience and accountability is what made a difference and knowing we could adapt the strategy as we progressed. We even are planning a vacation which we have never been able to do before! This has been such an amazing journey, thank you Joanna!“ Paul & Kim C.
KATE C. ENJOYS A HOT SHOWER AND DATE NIGHTS: "Now we go on dates and I can work part time and take showers and I love my personal time. I have a healthy and happy daughter. Thanks!" Kate C.
JESSIE G. LOVES TIME WITH HUBBY IN THE EVENINGS: “Everything is completely different now. She goes to bed and we have all of the rest of the night together. She actually enjoys going to bed. I never thought I would say those words." Jessie G.
KATE W. & HUBBY ARE IN HARMONY: "We were a united team thanks to Joanna." Kate W.
KATE P. LOVES "OWNING HER NIGHT": "We seriously "own our nights" again and it is GLORIOUS! We kept laughing at different slogans. "Are you exhausted and wish you had the energy for quality family time?" "Time to OWN THE NIGHT with sleep training!" Kate P.
FRANCESCA S. HAS A BOOMING HOME-BASED BUSINESS: "I have a home business and because I am now sleeping well too, I now have the focus and energy to work and my business is sky rocketing. My advice is to not wait to get help. Your baby and life will be better. It's Incredible." Francesca S.
CHRISTINA F. GOT AN AWESOME NEW JOB: "It was just a really positive experience. Now we're able to enjoy a nice quiet evening. I was able to start a new job, which I definitely don't think I could unless our child was sleeping well and through the night.” Christina F.
When I work with families, it is part of my process, to understand your family's parenting aspirations and solidify your "wish-list". We co-create your individualized sleep plan, one that is developmentally appropriate for your child’s age, stage, and temperament. This also factors in your family’s schedule, values, and parenting approach. Getting great sleep for your child creates the momentum and focus you need to feel more like yourself!
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM Sleep Strategy Session.
Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Sleep Success Story: When Sleep Regression Strikes!
I always say, I am in the business of a family sleep transformation. This couple had tried modified "cry-it-out" that wasn't aligned with their parenting philosophy. They saw temporary success with 15 month old daughter's sleep, but were back to bad sleep when a developmental leap hit and caused a sleep regression. All that DIY sleep training didn't stick.
The couple started researching and were able to find out that Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching utilizes a gentle method aligned with their parenting philosophy. The Website Testimonials showed tons of great success stories.
It became apparent that Gentle Sleep Coaching teaches lifelong healthy sleep habits so when a child hits a milestone, parents do not have to fear a regression because the child has already anchored their skills of sleep. Working with the RIGHT COACH helps parents understand the sleep science, behavioral science and attachment theory behind teaching a child those important life-long healthy sleep habits and skills.
After a Total Family Sleep Transformation, this couple is now enjoying peaceful nights and predictable naps. They are able to make plans, see friends, work out and even were able to take a family trip with no hiccups!
I am so happy this family reached out for sleep support! Watch Kelsey & Amy's story in the video below to see how working with a Sleep Expert was a big lifesaver for EVERYONE in the family.
Click here to watch their Sleep Success story for their 15 month month old child.
Thank you for watching Kelsey & Amy's story and I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family. Please share this with any friends that need some help, hope and support right now! Don't ever hesitate to contact me.
Do you think your child is experiencing a Sleep Regression?
Check out my free Sleep Regression Guide.
Are you struggling with your child's sleep? Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out? Could you use more support?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Sleep Success Story: When Sleep Training Doesn’t Work With Other Coaches or Programs
This couple had fallen down the "rabbit hole" of sleep solutions and were left still struggling with their 10 month old daughter's sleep. Their daughter was a firecracker, would take 7 minute naps, nursed every 45 minutes all night, was stubborn and preferred mom to be the only one to help her. The couple was feeling hopeless, lonely and isolated.
After countless failed attempts at getting her to sleep, Mom felt a sense of relief and hope after her first conversation with Joanna. Now the challenge was to get Dad on board to make yet another attempt into solving their daughter's sleep struggles. Dad was skeptical, dove into researching Joanna and but took the chance on the premise that "this was the LAST time they were investing in a sleep solution".
This is a common feeling when sleep training doesn't work with other coaches or programs. I often have client's who have unsuccessfully tried other methodologies or programs before finding me. It is natural that they would have skepticism wondering how I will be any different from all the other things they have tried. This concern is valid. However, what I know for sure is parents need to find the right coach, using the right methodology to meet the temperament of the child and offer the right level of support services for YOUR family to meet YOUR goals. Please know, with the right coach and coaching support, BLISSFUL SLEEP is possible for everyone.
This family experienced a Total Family Sleep Transformation! Their daughter is sleeping through the night, the nursing relationship was maintained, Mom & Dad worked as a team. They have restored peace within their soul and home and they have personal time to spend with each other. No mommy-guilt or shame. They even went on to use everything they learned on their 2nd child and handled it with confidence knowing sleep was possible for everyone.
I am so happy this family reached out for sleep support! Watch Kasey and Sam's story in the video below to see how working with THE RIGHT COACH WITH THE RIGHT EXPERIENCE was totally transformative for their entire family!
Click here to watch their Sleep Success story with their 10 month old child!
Amidst the sleep deprivation and skepticism this couple supported each other, didn’t give up hope and found the right coach to help them Get Their Life Back! Sam would like everyone to know "there is nothing you can buy that can replace good sleep." Kasey is helping spread the word that "you don't have to be this tired. If Joanna was able to solve our daughters sleep struggles, she can help anyone."
Thank you for watching Kasey and Sam's story and I hope this inspires you to realize that it is possible to become a well-rested family. Please share this with any friends that need some help, hope and support right now! Don't ever hesitate to contact me.
Are you struggling with your child's sleep? Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out? Could you use more support?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Holiday Gift Giving Guide: Joanna’s Favorite Things
It's that time of year again and chances are you have some shopping to do!
I love to share a few of my favorite products that help make parenting easier (with links to order online)! These are incredible gifts you could give to those on your shopping list or add them to your wish list!
Ages: 4 months and up
What is it?
SlumberPod is a quick-assembly “pod” that goes over pack-and plays, play yards, mini cribs, toddler cots and toddler air mattresses to create a black-out dark environment for sleeping. Slumberpod also has a NEW product called the HomeBase that allows Slumberpod to be used with a full size crib!
Why I love it?
It’s a Gamechanger! As a Gentle Sleep Coach, creating the optimal learning environment for your child to learn to sleep includes darkness! The Slumberpod is easy, safe and convenient. This is a product that works for babies as young as 4 months and up. Slumberpod is incredible for room-sharing and can be used on vacation! Say farewell to the days of setting up the pack and play in the hotel bathroom for a dark quiet atmosphere or cutting your vacation days short because baby needs darkness to sleep!
I love this product so much that I was able to get a discount for my clients of $20. You will definitely want to take advantage of this discount. Order your SlumberPod today!
What’s amazing about the Slumberpod is that there is room for a sound machine as well as a monitor so that you can really create that optimal sleeping environment.
Ages: All
What is it?
The Got Kids, Need Sleep TRIAGE session is a 1 hour laser coaching session where we explore the most difficult area of your child's sleep struggles and help your family get where you want to be: well-rested!
Why I love it?
I know what it's like to be an overwhelmed and sleep deprived parent and what it's like to experience a total family sleep transformation! No more fear of failure or constant frustration. Just beautiful, blissful sleep for you, your child, and your family. This is a GREAT gift!
Schedule your Sleep Triage Session today!
Hatch - sound machine with time-to-rise option
Ages: All
What is it?
A magical all-in-one device that's part sound machine, night light, & time-to-rise features
Why I love it?
This is a product I love recommending for babies as a sound machine, and night light for those middle of the night diaper changes. For toddlers and children the schedules and time-to-rise feature helps prevent some power struggles!
Order your Hatch today!
Ages: 12 months- 5T
What is it?
Flying Squirrel toddler sleep sack is a one-piece pajama that will help your little transition out of the swaddle. It improves your toddlers sleep without the worry of kicking off loose blankets. You can open the optional hand and foot covers for playtime after bed. These PJs are made to fit loosely to accommodate growth spurts
Why I love it?
These are a great product after transitioning from the swaddle and they help parents follow safe sleep guidelines of no loose bedding in a babies crib because they keep little ones nice and warm.
Give the gift of Flying Squirrel Pajamas!
Good Inside - By Dr. Becky Kennedy
What is it?
A great book for parents where Dr. Becky shares her popular philosophy and tools in a comprehensive resource designed to help parents move from frustration and self-blame to empowerment, confidence, and sturdy leadership.
Why I love it?
Dr. Becky gives incredible advice for parents on how to effectively handle different situations with your kids while building connection, decreasing opposition and inspiring kindness in your children. One of my personal favorites is her analogy of "sitting on the bench" with your child when they are experiencing anything negative instead of trying to "fix it". This is relevant throughout all the stages of parenting and is an incredible way to handle these situations.
Order your copy of Good Inside! I would love to hear your reaction after reading this book!
Interested in Seeing More of My Favorite Products?
From nursery essentials to children’s books, and more… follow @blissfulbabysleep on KIT.co for direct links to purchase online.
Are you or someone you know struggling with your child's sleep?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Have you heard of the Wonderfold Wagon?
It’s no surprise that over the years they come out with new and improved baby gear but the Wonderfold Wagon Stroller is a new level of amazing!! I love learning about new tips, tricks or products to share with my clients especially when they are helping families maintain beautiful blissful sleep! Holidays are coming and the Wonderfold Wagon is a great item to add to your wishlist!
Need a convenient way to nap on the go? Got multiples? Toddler that loves standing up? Older kiddos in sports? Going away for a family trip? You’ve got to check out the Wonderfold Wagon Stroller.
Perfect for napping on the go- think “pack and play on wheels”. Baby naps while older kids can still enjoy the fun. The sides have blackout fabric and some models have an adjustable canopy that make this a great little blackout option that mimics their usual nap environment. Baby can nap on the way to the school bus stop! A client raved about how this product was an absolute life saver to maintain their 6 month old’s nap schedule while spending the entire day at a water park!
Need a way to contain little ones while outside or at older siblings activities- This is the perfect way to contain little ones without feeling like they are strapped down!
U-Boat- Load this thing down with ALL THE THINGS and roll right into the hotel. No more 100 trips to unload the car while one parent manages the kids in the hotel room. Walk in as a family, one trip and the car is unloaded and the family can be ready to enjoy the hotel pool within 15 minutes of check in!
Multiple kids? Wonderfold easily fits 4 kids and has huge weight limits so it will work way beyond when a child maxes out the weight limits of a typical stroller. (Up to 300 lbs total or 99 lbs per bench when using the seats for the W4 model). Check out all the options Wonderfold has!
Stroller or wagon- Use with the seats in or out. They are easily adjusted so you can use it with the seats out like a wagon or the seats in like a stroller.
Storage- The storage on this wagon is incredible. When you use the seats, there is SO much room to store everything under the seat and in the storage basket.
Learn more about the Wonderfold Wagon options.
Are you wondering how in the world people get their kid to nap, never-mind nap on-the-go? Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Early Rising Behavior
It is the WORST when you hear your little one waking BEFORE 6am. In the world of Sleep Science, we call any wake-up between 4-6am Early Rising behavior.
Unfortunately, once this behavior starts, it takes on a life of its own and it can become very stubborn to unwind the behavior. In the video below, I breakdown the causes of early rising and offer some tips on how to get sleep back on track.
Do you feel you need more support in getting early rising back on track?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Kids sleeping great but Parents not? Learn about common Sleep Disorders!
As a Gentle Sleep Coach, I strive to be a source of accurate and reliable information. While my Gentle Sleep Coaching practice primarily works with children from birth to age 6, my goal to lead the charge for a WELL-RESTED REVOLUTION includes the entire family sleeping well. Once their child is sleeping through the night, I have had client's realize that it's not only their child that was "causing" their own exhaustion and the parent might discover they have a sleep disorder.
I found a great article that I wanted to share that discusses sleep disorders- common causes, symptoms and types. If you relate to these symptoms please make sure you reach out to your doctor and explore it further.
Sleep is a biological process that helps the body in performing certain functions. In fact, sleep is important to maintain good health. Disturbed sleeping patterns affect your health, safety, and quality of life.
Sleep disturbance increases your risk of other health disorders too. Sleep disorders are on the rise in the United States. More than 70% of high school students get less than eight hours of sleep on weeknights, leading to sleep disorders and poor health.
According to the recommendation of health experts, adults should get at least seven to nine hours of sleep at night. However, these requirements are personal and can vary from person to person. When children get too little sleep, it negatively affects their ability to properly and efficiently function.
Causes and Effects:
Sleep disorders occur because of hectic schedules, stress, and fatigue. These disorders occur when prior mentioned issues occur regularly and interfere in someone’s life, causing them to need proper remedial measures.
Disturbed sleep makes a person feel extremely exhausted during the daytime too. Deprivation of a sound sleep interferes with concentration, mood, energy, and entire life.
The causes vary for different sleep disorders, however, the common ones are:
Heart disease, nerve disorders, lung disease, and pain
Mental illnesses
Depression and anxiety
Caffeine and alcohol consumption
An irregular working schedule
Sometimes the causes of sleep disorders are unknown.
When you have a sleep disorder, you want to receive a diagnosis and proper treatment without wasting any time. Delay in treatment can lead to further health hazards, affect your work efficiency, and impact your overall performance.
Just like the causes, the symptoms also vary depending upon the type of disorder. Some signs that show a person may have a sleep disorder include:
Difficulty in falling asleep every night
Waking up several times each night and then having trouble falling back to sleep
Waking up too early in the morning
Falling asleep at the wrong times during the day
Feeling sleepy during the day
Taking frequent naps
Snoring loudly, gasping, snorting, making choking sounds, or stopping breathing for short periods
Jerking legs or arms often during sleep
Dozing, or having dreamlike experiences while falling asleep
Having episodes of sudden muscle weakness
Creeping, crawling, or tingling feelings in legs or arms that are relieved by massaging, or moving them, especially while trying to fall asleep
Struggling to stay awake when inactive, such as when watching television or reading
Having difficulty with your memory
Giving slow responses
Facing difficulty in paying attention or concentrating at work, in school, or at home
Types of sleeping disorders:
There are almost eighty different types of sleep disorders. Some of the most common are:
The recurring difficulty to go to sleep and remain asleep despite all means and sources to do so are available is called Insomnia. People suffering from insomnia may experience excessive sleepiness in the daytime. About fifty percent of adults experience signs of insomnia and ten percent suffer from chronic insomnia. Insomnia can be associated with medical, psychiatric conditions or it may occur by itself.
Sleep maintenance insomnia causes difficulty in sleep at night.
Sleep-onset insomnia means difficulty falling asleep, even if a person feels tired.
Mixed insomnia is a hybrid condition in which sleep-onset and sleep maintenance insomnia symptoms are found.
Sleep apnea:
A common sleep-related breathing disorder is apnea, which occurs due to blockage of the upper airway. People suffering from apnea often wake up choking or gasping for air. Like other sleep disorders, heavy snoring is another common symptom. Sleep apnea can lead to excessive sleepiness and fatigue during the daytime as well as other cognitive impairments.
Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is caused by a blockage of the airway. It occurs when the soft tissue in the back of the throat collapses while sleeping. Obstructive sleep apnea is generally characterized by fatigue, restlessness, snoring during sleep, trouble concentrating, and gasping for air during sleep.
In Central sleep apnea (CSA), the airway may not be blocked, but the brain fails to guide the body to breathe. It is known as central sleep apnea because it’s related to central nervous system functions. People suffering from central sleep apnea may gasp for air but generally, experience repeated sleep
disturbance at night.
Restless leg syndrome:
Restless leg syndrome, RLS, is a sleep disorder that creates an intense and irresistible desire to move the legs. In this disorder, the patients feel itching, throbbing, and other painful sensations in their legs and a great desire to move them while they’re at rest. Restless legs syndrome often occurs in the evening, just before the patient wants to go to sleep. It can be related to problems in daytime sleepiness, concentration, and irritability. People suffering from RLS want to have a walk and shake their legs to help relieve the pain sensation.
Restless legs syndrome is a sleep-associated movement disorder that is found in 7-10% of the people of the United States. Unfortunately, it can’t be treated through moderate exercises, changes in lifestyle, except that night-time stretching may provide some relief in certain cases.
Narcolepsy affects the control of sleep and wakefulness, as it is a neurological disorder. In narcolepsy, the patient feels excessively tired during the day despite getting a long rest at night. People with narcolepsy may fall asleep at inopportune times. It can also lead to sleep-onset and sleep maintenance problems in some cases.
Narcolepsy type 1 causes a sudden loss of muscle tone that makes the patient fall or slump over, and it can be injurious and painful.
Narcolepsy type 2 causes sleep attacks. Narcolepsy symptoms are roughly found in one in two thousand adults in the United States and Europe. It normally starts between the ages of fifteen to twenty-five, but it can be found at any age. Narcolepsy is often undiagnosed and no treatment is taken.
When you feel you might have a sleep disorder, immediately seek a diagnosis and treatment. Those who don’t have proper sleep, experience significant difficulty in their daily activities like impaired decision making, irritability, slower action times, and accidents during work. Sleep deprivation may also lead to the development of diabetes, heart diseases, and obesity.
Failing to get the proper amount of sleep results in a tired feeling during the day. Sleep disorders affect cognitive function, which may cause learning hardships for students, memory loss in people of all ages, depression, and personality changes.
To deal with sleep disorders and in order to get healthy sleep visit Sleep On It Resources:
Caitlin Goodwin, DNP, RN, CNM, is a Board Certified Nurse-Midwife, Registered Nurse, and freelance writer. She has over twelve years of experience in nursing practice.
Are you are struggling to get your child to sleep at night or take consistent naps?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Fall Time Change Tips: November 6, 2022
The Fall Time Change 2022 is this coming Sunday, November 6th at 2 a.m.
At each seasonal time change, parents often reach out to me with great trepidation about how this time change will affect their child’s sleep schedules. It is true, the “fall back” time change can cause havoc on sleep.
Not to worry, I am going to guide you so this time change minimizes stress and confusion!
Watch this video for a summary of my sleep expert's tips and tricks on how to adjust to the Fall 2022 time change.
Click image or here to watch video
So here are some facts to consider:
The “Fall Back” time change in the US is on Sunday November 6th 2022 at 2 a.m.
You will “fall back” by setting your clocks back by one hour.
This fall time change is often EASIER than the spring time change. You will enjoy a “bonus hour” of overall sleep and a “bonus hour” of light in the morning. Thus, waking up in the morning will definitely be easier.
In the evening, it will be darker one hour earlier. You may find that both you and the kiddos will likely become drowsy earlier.
This time change can trigger “early rising” between 4-6 am, so be prepared to handle this event when it occurs.
Seasonal time change is all about working with the biological rhythms which are primarily driven by natural light and the onset of darkness and adapting the schedule and routine of your day (i.e., wake times, meal times, nap times, etc.)
Please know it can take up to 2 weeks for a child to make the transition to the new time change, so be patient and mindful of your child’s needs.
There are two strategies to consider in tackling the fall time change for children 6 months-6 years of age.
Proactive Approach: Make changes to your routine 3-7 days prior to the time change. This strategy of incremental change is best for children that tend to be early risers (waking before 6am) or children that tend to be sensitive to schedule changes.
How To Make Incremental Changes:
Start putting your child to bed 10-15 minutes later than his/her normal naptime or bedtime and then make similar changes to the nap schedule and meal schedule.
Every other day/night, try to “move up” meal time, naptime and bedtime by 10-15 minutes. Do this until the night of the time change.
The goal is to complete shifting your child’s bedtime schedule up by a full hour by the time the clock changes on November 7, 2022.
For example: if your child’s normal nap time is 8:45am, bump it to 9am and each day keep “bumping it forward” till you bumped it a fully 60 minutes hit an hour.
If you would rather “work” the bedtime angle then if bedtime is normally 7pm. During the days leading up to the time change, push bedtime to 7:15, 7:30, 7:45, 8pm…then when the time change happens, the 8pm bedtime will “FALL BACK” to 7pm and your child will already be in the mode for the new bedtime.
If you try this method and your child starts waking before 6am, then STOP and go back to your old schedule. You will need to adjust to new time change in the “Just in time” method.
The “Just In Time” Strategy: Move all your meals, nap times and bedtimes to the new time on November 6th, 2022.
This strategy is best for those that don’t have the time or inclination to plan ahead.
This might also mean your child may wake earlier in the morning for the first week or so, but soon things will normalize.
How to do the “Just in Time” option: Sync with new clock times on November 6th 2022.
If your child starts to wake before 6am, (which is considered early rising) than it is imperative that you attend to this early rising or else it will persist.
If you experience early rising, go to your child’s room, remind him or her it is still time for sleeping and try to soothe him or her back to sleep. (can use a tot clock for children 2.5 yrs of age and older). I recommend the HATCH.
If the child does not go back to sleep, then use the “dramatic wake-up” strategy to signify a morning wake up routine. Be sure to keep the room dark until 6am, then exit the room for 5-10 seconds, then re-enter the room and turn on the lights and open shades and then greet your child with “good morning” and proceed to get your child out of crib/bed and begin your routine. Be sure to expose to natural morning light.
By doing this “dramatic wake up” routine, you will not be reinforcing early rising and eventually your child’s circadian rhythm will get back on track. If you have ongoing issues with early rising after 10-14 days after the time change than it may be time to talk to a sleep expert and get the personalized sleep support to get sleep back on track via a sleep-tune up call.
In either case, it is important for children to get their daily dose of Vitamin D with morning light exposure. Turn on the lights, open your shades and, most importantly, try to give your child morning sunlight for at least 20-30 minutes a day during that first 7-10 days of the time change. This will help to reset your child’s circadian rhythm. You can also purchase a “happy light” that will offer some light therapy for you or your child.
It’s also important to protect Parental sleep! Here are my time change tips for adults:
Since you are gaining an hour of sleep, it is often easier just to go to sleep at your normal time on Saturday night and then allow yourself to sleep in on Sunday morning. Then for the first couple of days, please know that your body will be busy regulating to the new time change, so light exposure in the morning will really help your body adjust.
Like jet lag, time changes take about a week to resolve and so it is wise to be patient and try to adhere to a flexible schedule and you will begin to see it all normalize. Happy Fall!!
If after the time change you are still having challenging sleep struggles, then don't hesitate reach out for sleep support. THERE IS NO NEED TO LIVE LIFE IN A SLEEP-DEPRIVED HAZE!
The first resource that might be helpful is my Sleep Regression Guide. It is a free guide jammed packed with helpful insights and actions.
Have you worked with me before and want to get back to predictable night and reliable naps?
Schedule a Sleep Tune Up Call. In this 30 minute recorded, Zoom Video Conference Sleep Tune-Up Call, you will benefit from me, a 10 year Sleep Expert, becoming your personal "sleep detective" so you recover peaceful nights and joyful days. You will complete a Sleep Tune-Up Form in Advance of our session so I come to the conversation prepared to help you solve the sleep struggles once and for all so everyone sleeps again.
Have you been struggling with night and naps even before the time change? Curious about what is possible with Gentle Sleep Coaching?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session (new clients).
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!
Benefits of Bath for Bedtime
Are you looking to create a bedtime routine? Have you considered incorporating bath time into your bedtime routine? Bath time for babies has more benefits than just keeping them clean.
Consistency and Predictability - Having a bedtime routine allows children to know what’s coming and what to expect. When you do the same routine for bedtime, it creates a positive sleep association. Kids will know the routine signals bedtime and sleep and it helps them prepare for bedtime. A consistent routine also helps avoid resistance especially in the toddler years when they start having their own opinions on EVERYTHING. Bath time is a great option to include in the bedtime routine because I suggest to the families that I work with to choose calming activities versus energizing ones.
Destress and Relax baby - All the senses are engaged in bath time. "Gently rubbing your baby’s skin in the bath slows down the physiology, so it slows heart rate, it slows blood pressure, it changes brain waves in the direction of relaxation. So it’s basically a relaxation kind of response that occurs to having pressure receptors stimulated,” says Tiffany Field, director of the Touch Research Institute at the University of Miami School of Medicine. Bath time can be a great segue into Infant Massage. To learn more about infant massage check out my interview with Jackie King, Infant Massage Specialist.
Keeps baby clean - Eating is a whole body sensory activity for babies when they are learning to eat and as they get older and continue to explore new foods, textures and levels of self feeding. The mess they create can make bath essential. Incorporating bath time after dinner can be a great way to allow that positive sensory exploration and then lead into the bedtime routine.
Conversation Starter - Bath time requires complete supervision and is a great time to start conversation with baby. Exposing them to new words, sounds, language and eye contact. This is a great way to encourage language development!
Body Temperature - Did you know that our body's core temperature naturally dips down at night for sleep? Taking a warm bath before bed can help babies body naturally cool down and naturally prepare for sleep!
Are you struggling with your child's sleep and interested in experiencing a Total Family Sleep Transformation?
The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM Sleep Strategy Session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.
If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.
The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep
Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.
Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more!