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Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

Dread bedtime power struggles?

Is your child misbehaving at bedtime? Is bedtime a nightmare? Toddlers are known for stalling and requesting at bedtime. These behaviors immediately create power-struggle energy and can make bedtime complicated and long. I bet you are tired of coming up with consequences for bedtime battles?

Toddlers love to "feel in control", but they also thrive on routines and boundaries. One way to minimize power struggle and create an age-appropriate boundary is to introduce sleep-to-wake clocks, especially when working with kids 2 years and older.

These tot clocks are a great way to reinforce kids staying in their room until morning. The nights can seem endless if your child is constantly asking you if it's time to get up yet. With the features of these clocks, if kids can recognize colors, they can tell if it's time to get up!  Avoid that power struggle and give your kids the control!

What do I think is the best ok-to-wake clock? 

The Hatch!

A magical all-in-one device that's part sound machine, night light, & time-to-rise features

This is an incredible combination for teaching your child lifelong healthy sleep habits because I always recommend white noise for nights and naps. This one product works from birth and up so no need to keep buying new products. 

The Sleep-to-wake feature allows you to program sounds and colors to indicate whether it's sleep time or time to get up. You set the times, colors, sounds and duration. Totally custom!

The app makes it so easy to setup and make changes as your child grows. 

This product can be used as a night light (with adjustable brightness). With a quick tap, it can help make middle of the night diaper changes a breeze in the early days and can help with the fear of the dark as they get older. 

Order your Hatch today!

If you find yourself googling the following, it's worth checking out the Hatch and it's sleep-to-wake feature.

  • Sleep for 5 year old

  • How to get my child to stay in their room at night

  • Best tot clock

  • Sleep training clock

  • Sleep for 6 year old

  • Early morning wake ups

  • Child misbehaving at bedtime

  • Toddler power struggles

  • OK to wake clock

  • Ready to wake clock

So if you have a Hatch and you are still struggling with your child's sleep? Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out? Could you use more support? 

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 

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Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

Value yourself again! Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers!

When breastfeeding a little one it's easy to start putting their needs first and forgetting your own. I wanted to share with you a great article with Tips for Breastfeeding Mothers written by Josh Moore at Diaperdads.org

Value Yourself Again: Tips for New Breastfeeding Mothers

by Josh Moore at Diaperdads.org

As a new mother, you already know that despite the rewarding aspects of motherhood, it also comes with its share of challenges. Breastfeeding benefits you and the baby. More specifically, it provides babies with much-needed nutrition and strengthens the bond between mother and child. But don’t feel bad if you're overwhelmed by the burden of motherhood or breastfeeding. Here are some tips and resources from Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching to help you manage the stress of being a new parent.

Make Time for Mental Health

According to the experts, postpartum depression is a deep depression that can last long. Generally, you feel it within the first month of childbirth. Building a close bond with your baby through feeding can help alleviate some symptoms of postpartum depression.

Additionally, you need to care for yourself. Make time for mental health through seeking online therapy. You can revolve your treatment around breastfeeding and parenting, speak securely and confidentially to a professional and feel less trapped in a commitment. Online therapy gives you various choices for therapists and helps you save time on travel and pay less overall. Most online therapists offer quick and free consultations.

For physical and mental health benefits, stay hydrated throughout the day. Carry water with you always and try to limit food or drinks that may dehydrate you more, like coffee. Breastfeeding can also benefit your health because it helps you lose pregnancy weight faster and can fight against osteoporosis.

To help relieve stress, and to help release any trapped negative energy, keep your home organized and clean. When you have a cluttered home, it can make it difficult to focus or stay positive. It is wise to address all issues ahead of time to have a healing and healthy atmosphere for you and the baby. And if at all possible, try to keep it as decluttered as you can.

Give Yourself More Credit

Forget the negative self-talk. Many mothers worry that they must be doing something wrong if they feel overwhelmed. You are human and when you put yourself down, your self-esteem sinks. You damage your self-confidence because you start internalizing what you say about yourself.

All people have their journey. This is true for all mothers, too. If your mothering techniques do not look like another mom's, the two of you have different methods. Think about your journey and make choices based on what helps you get through each day.

Take Care of Your Comfort

Breastfeeding is not always comfortable. It is a full-time job, especially with newborns. Your baby may need between 20 and 45 minutes of feeding at a time and you have to feed him or her every two to three hours. Understand that in the beginning, you may have various challenges. Sometimes it does not feel natural and you may have difficulty producing enough milk for your baby. Find a comfortable chair with neck and shoulder support to keep you physically comfortable.

Pay close attention to your posture. This step may be difficult when tired from motherhood, but do not hunch. You need to sit straight in an ergonomic chair and loosen up when you hold your baby.

Look for a comfortable, durable nursing bra you can wear 24-7, even to bed. Breathable fabrics with support can make breastfeeding easier. Check Amazon marketplace for bras or other marketplaces with other options. You can toss a few bras into your cart when shopping for other necessities, including paper towels, toilet paper, diapers and wipes.

As a new breastfeeding mother, you have a lot on your plate. To help alleviate the burden, you have to be able to take care of yourself and let yourself focus on feeling better. So take steps to improve your surroundings and stay positive!

Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching isn’t just about your child’s sleep – it’s about your sleep, as well. Reach out today to get started!

 Are you struggling with your child's sleep? Are you looking for alternatives to cry it out? Could you use some support?

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 

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Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER: Dr. Patricia Kiser of University Chiropractic

In honor of WO3 I am delighted to partner, promote and support Dr. Patricia Kiser of University Chiropractic!

Throughout the month of March, you have seen me doing a lot around partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs. On Saturday March 25, 2023, we had our big celebration day to support ALL woman-owned business. One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

I had the honor of interviewing Dr. Patricia Kiser of University Chiropractic. During our interview we had an engaging conversation discussing her holistic practices.  Did you know that Pediatric Chiropractic can help treat child's symptoms without the use of medications?

Dr. Patricia Kiser-Cohen, a native of San Mateo, California, attended Aragon High School and developed a deep interest in healing. Her fascination with the human body and its afflictions, such as pain, disease, and diminished quality of life, led her to explore various holistic methods of treatment. Although she was active in high school sports, including cheerleading, horseback riding, and soccer, she suffered from back pain after fracturing her lower back. Her search for effective pain relief led her to chiropractic care, which she was introduced to by a personal mentor. Dr. Kiser then interned in a sports-medicine chiropractic clinic the following summer that catered to various professional athletic organizations, which further fueled her passion for chiropractic care.

To pursue her career goals, Dr. Kiser pursued pre-medicine and earned a Bachelor of Science in Human Biology from Patten University before enrolling in Chiropractic College. In 1994, she obtained her Doctorate in Chiropractic Care, and after gaining three years of clinical experience, she founded her own practice in 1997. Dr. Kiser has worked with hundreds of babies and children of all ages, helping them overcome various conditions such as colic, ear aches, constipation, latching issues, asthma, and allergies, including her own son when he was an infant. Her healing abilities have earned her clients from all over the Bay Area, who benefit from her extensive knowledge of anatomy and physiology. She can quickly identify the source of pain and provide immediate relief, helping her clients achieve their optimum level of health. 

To watch the interview click here.

During our interview Dr. Kiser wanted to shout out two amazing women-owned businesses in the San Francisco Bay area. 

Kristin Podulka at Palo Alto Reiki and Ory Seidemann at Decodebaby in honor of WO3!!

 Kristin Podulka at Palo Alto Reiki

As a certified Reiki Master and Teacher, with an additional certification as an Energy Healing Practitioner. she offers in-person and long-distance modalities.

  • Reiki Healing

  • Chakra Balancing

  • Aura Clearing

  • Intuitive Guidance

  • Guided Relaxation

  • Restorative Music

  • Crystal Therapy (in person)

  • Aromatherapy (in person)

To learn about Palo Alto Reiki 

Ory Seidemann of Decode baby 


Ory specializes in:

  • New Parent Coach

  • Certified Lactation Educator Counselor 

  • Postpartum Doula

  • Newborn Care Specialist 

  • Crystal & Reiki energy healing practitioner 

  • Birth doula in training 

To learn more about Decodebaby check out:

To learn more about Dr. Patricia Kiser check out University Chiropractic's website: 

I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3. 

There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 


1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup


2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business. 

JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/

Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther


3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 

  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp

  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,

  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 

  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 

  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.

  •  Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 

As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so lets make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business. 

Are you struggling with your child's sleep?

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 

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Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER: Brooke Shapiro of Sprinkles Parents!

In honor of WO3 I am delighted to feature partner, promote and support Brooke Shapiro of Sprinkles Parents!

Throughout the month of March, you are going to hear me talking a lot about partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs.  

In fact, our “call to action” is to encourage people to come together annually in the month of March and especially on Saturday, March 25, 2023 to support ANY woman-owned business 

One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

Brooke Shapiro is the founder of two parent focused brands. The first is a marketing consulting agency focused on helping small businesses and early stage brands market to parents in a meaningful and authentic way. She also developed a unique parent solutions platform called Sprinkles Parents. It provides localized parent community, education, activities and resources from pregnancy until Kindergarten. Sprinkles Parents provides the handbook they forgot to give you at the hospital and the village it takes to raise your child. Her hardest job is being a mom to Jace (4) and Rayna (2) that both suffer from a muscle dystrophy called Charcot Marie Tooth.  

Click image or here to watch video.

Brooke would like to shout outs to other female-owned businesses! 

Dela Creamery: Small batch ice cream with creative flavors, inspired by personal Mexican and traditional Californian experiences using simple and fresh ingredients.

Travel Bucket is a family focused travel agent helping you find that perfect spot for a family vacation. 

To learn more about Brooke or Sprinkles Parents check out:

Momtership webinars


Marketing Webinars





I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3.

There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 


1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup


2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business. 

JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/

Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther


3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 

  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp

  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,

  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 

  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 

  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.

  •  Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 

As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so lets make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business. 


Are you struggling with your child's sleep?

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 

Read More
Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER: Dr. Abbey Sirovica of Grassroots Family Wellness!

In honor of WO3 I am delighted to feature partner, promote and support Dr. Abby Sirovica of Grassroots Family Wellness!

Throughout the month of March, you are going to hear me talking a lot about partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs.  

In fact, our “call to action” is to encourage people to come together annually in the month of March and especially on Saturday, March 25, 2023 to support ANY woman-owned business 

One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

Dr. Abby Sirovica has been in the holistic health world for over 10 years and is the founder of the Grassroots Family Wellness and Grassroots Collective.  The Grassroots Collective empowers women and families to take control of their health and be supported through chiropractic care, nutrition, massage and red light therapy. The collective is adding on nutritional lab testing and pre-conceptive fertility support this year. She is certified in pediatric and prenatal care earning her CACCP through the ICPA.

Growing sustainable, joy-based businesses is a passion of Dr. Abby’s. She believes in a culture where health, balance (her people) truly come before objectives or business. She is an avid member of her community and leads a team focused on changing the accessibility to empowered fertility, pregnancy, birthing and raising children. 

Dr. Abby lives in Michigan with her two wild, intelligent, kind young girls and enjoys lifting, biohacking, business and travel.

Check out my interview with Dr. Abby!

Click image or here to watch video

Dr. Abby gave a shoutout to two of her favorite women-owned businesses. 

Out of Line Vintage

Marissa is a designer and artist that sells unique clothing to express individual style in a sustainable and ethically sound way

Modern Day Collective 

Modern Day is a leading pioneer in the wedding and event design industry. Located in Grand Rapids, MI, their team has served clients from the East Coast, to the West, and everywhere in between.

To learn more about Abby or The Grassroots Collective check out:

I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3.

There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 


1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup


2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business. 

JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/

Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther


3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 

  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp

  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,

  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 

  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 

  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.

  • Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 

As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so lets make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business.  

Are you struggling with your child's sleep?

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 

Read More
Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER: Grace Kraaijvanger of THE HIVERY!

In honor of WO3 Day, I am delighted to feature partner, promote and support Grace Kraaijvanger of THE HIVERY!

Throughout the month of March, you are going to hear me talking a lot about partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs.  

In fact, our “call to action” is to encourage people to come together annually in the month of March and especially TODAY on Saturday, March 25, 2023 to support ANY woman-owned business. One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

My interview with Grace Kraaijivanger of The Hivery, fully exemplifies the mission of WO3. Grace founded The Hivery in 2014 as the first of its' kind female-fueled co-working space turned global membership community.

She created a network that connects thousands of women entrepreneurs and is an expert on building membership-based businesses, community development/engagement, and workspace design (including the Wayfair Award for Best Office in the U.S. and Canada).

As a leader in community-centered programming and events, Grace has interviewed and hosted luminaries like Dr. and First Lady Jill Biden, Diane von Furstenberg, and Chip Conley, and has been featured in Entrepreneur Magazine, Forbes, Domino, Elle, Architectural Digest, and more. 

Click image or here to watch video.

In this interview, Grace gives a SHOUT OUT to two amazing women authors...You  have to check them out! 

She Builds: The Anti-hustle Guide to Grow Your Business and Nourish Your Life by Jadah Sellner

Living a Committed Life: Finding Freedom and Fulfillment in a Purpose Larger Than Yourself by Lynne Twist 

To learn more about Grace or The Hivery, check out these links below.

I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3.

There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 


1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup


2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business. 

JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/

Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther


3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 

  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp

  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,

  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 

  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 

  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.

  •  Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 

As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so let’s make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business. 

Read More
Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER-- Dr. Jackalyn Rainosek of DTP Leadership Group -Visionary Dream Coaching

In honor of WO3, I am delighted to partner, promote and support Dr. Jackalyn Rainosek of DTP Leadership Group!

Throughout the month of March, you are going to hear me talking a lot about partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs.  

In fact, our “call to action” is to encourage people to come together annually in the month of March and especially on Saturday, March 25, 2023 to support ANY woman-owned business 

One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

Dr. Rainosek, CEO and Co-Founder of DTP Leadership Group, has a reputation for increasing organizational efficiency, productivity, and profitability by helping Leaders make better strategic decisions in the midst of ever-changing circumstances. During her 47 years as an organizational development (OD) consultant, Dr. Rainosek’s primary objective has been to enhance an organization’s capacity to improve internal/external processes and relationships by helping people and teams cope with a wide range of organizational challenges. Her work has fostered more effective leadership styles, greater communication, better problem-solving, improved decision processes, enhanced cultural competency (through diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives), heightened levels of trust and cooperation (internally and with clients), increased utilization of employee skills and talents, and more effective strategic analysis of the everyday issues that hinder exceptional performance.

Dr. Rainosek is unique because she 1) takes a multi-faceted approach to diagnosing and addressing her clients’ challenges and 2) draws on an exceptional breadth of knowledge and experience. Her behavioral science and research background enables her to look more effectively at the total organization and get to the root of challenges. Her experience as a certified visionary and dream coach and an executive coach, enables her to identify and remove habitual patterns that block people from reaching their highest potential, crucial for the success of all great leaders. She is also one of only 75 Certified Masters globally with The Leadership Challenge program (the central leadership program in 189 countries). This diverse background and expertise enable Dr. Rainosek to create highly tailored interventions with practical solutions that lead to lasting, measurable change.

Check out my interview with  Dr. Jackalyn below!

<<< Click image or here to watch interview


Are you interested in listening to the Dream Coaching podcast episodes Dr. Jackalyn references in this interview?

    Dreams Can Come to Fruition with the Visionary Dream Formula!

    Reasons That Most Dream Coaching Programs Fail and How Dr. Jackalyn’s 10 Topic Process Succeeds

    Do you Want 10 Dreams Defined Clearly and Ways to Meet Those Dreams? 

    Deal with the Doubter and You Will be Surprised What Happens

    Listen to the Benefits for You When You Have Access to the Visionary Dream Coaching Formula

If you interested in learning more about Dr. Jackalyn or DTP Leadership Group check out the links below.

If you are interested in contacting Dr. Jackalyn directly:

Jackalyn Rainosek, PHD
Acclaimed Speaker, Author and Profit Building Consultant
CEO of DTP Leadership Group, LLC

I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3.
There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 
1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.
2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business. 
JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day
Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther #wo3day
3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 
  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp
  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,
  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 
  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 
  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.
  • Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 
As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so let's make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business. 

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 


Joanna Clark, Sleep Expert & Author
Certified Gentle Sleep Coach℠ at Blissful Baby Sleep Coaching
|   www.blissfulbabysleepcoaching.com
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Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER: Lisa Duerre

In honor of WO3 I am delighted to feature partner, promote and support Lisa Duerre!

Throughout the month of March, you are going to hear me talking a lot about partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs.  

In fact, our “call to action” is to encourage people to come together annually in the month of March and especially on Saturday, March 25, 2023 to support ANY woman-owned business 

One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

You will not want to miss this interview with Lisa Duerre. She provides profound insight on how the world of corporate leadership is moving from a "BANI" world to a "FIRM" world. 

Lisa Duerre is the co-founder and CEO of RLD Group, a collective of leadership development coaching and consulting experts helping tech companies take culture transformation out of the clouds, banish burnout, and drive bottom-line results. RLD Group is a certified WBENC with expertise on HR strategy and organizational design, developing leadership pipelines, talent retention, burnout prevention, and team performance in the complex hybrid work world.

Lisa spent over 20 years in Silicon Valley as a rising executive inside Fortune 500 tech companies. Now, she speaks to audiences of leaders in tech around the world. Lisa’s message has been featured on NBC, CBS, ABC, The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur, WomLead Magazine, FeedSpot, Thrive Global, Authority Magazine, Romper, The Mercury News, and more.

Lisa is host of the Ctrl+Alt+Delete with Lisa Duerre podcast™ , a top-10-rated podcast on technical leadership. Lisa is also actively raising awareness for women who are living with lipedema (to learn more go to Lipedema Simplified Organization), a disease with no known cure affecting the quality of life for approximately 1 out of 9-11 women worldwide.

Click image or here to watch video.

In our Interview, Lisa gave a SHOUT OUT to some other Female Owned Businesses that she admires and you will definitely want to check out! 

3 Day Virtual Event March 31-April 2: Cutting-edge Strategies for Lipedema and Lymphedema


Podcast Conversations Worth Having | Jackie Stavros and Cheri Torres  hosted by Ctrl+Alt+Delete with Lisa Duerre: For Leaders In Tech Escaping Burnout and Rebooting Leadership 


I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3. 

There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 


1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses.

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup


2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business.  

JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/

Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther


3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 

  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp

  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite them to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague.

  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 

  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 

  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.

  •  Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 

As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so let’s make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business. 

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Joanna Clark Joanna Clark

I Support HER: Marquis Anne Skold

Throughout the month of March, you are going to hear me talking a lot about partnering, promoting and supporting woman-owned businesses. As my annual gratitude project, I am on the Executive Board of WO3 Connect which is a nonprofit GRASSROOTS movement to support female entrepreneurs.  

In fact, our “call to action” is to encourage people to come together annually in the month of March and especially on Saturday, March 25, 2023 to support ANY woman-owned business 

One day we hope this movement will as popular as “Small Business Saturday”.

In honor of WO3 I am delighted to feature partner, promote and support Marquis Anne Skold

Marquis Anne is Founder and CEO of Nanny Village, a staffing agency that helps families and entrepreneurs find outstanding care and household support through the placement of experienced nannies, newborn care specialists, private educators, family assistants and private chefs. 

As a Mom of three, Marquis has first-hand experience of what a thoughtfully matched nanny can bring to a busy working family in need of support. 

After many challenges and incompatible nanny matches, she quickly realized how finding the right fit for her family made all the difference. In addition to the reliable support she received from a seasoned nanny, Marquis soon began to see how their lives became intertwined as they celebrated milestones and birthdays, and grieved the loss of loved ones together over the years. They had become like family.

In addition to matching families with their ideal nanny, Marquis understands a professionally screened caregiver is key. After her own family experienced their own horror story when their childhood nanny, who was not properly vetted, became headline news for violent criminal offenses. It is this experience that drives Marquis’ dedication to providing a meticulous candidate screening and interviewing process, which includes multiple rounds of one-on-one interviews, reference checks, fingerprinting and an extensive background check.

Marquis is passionate about providing resources for families of all backgrounds through education and community building. With plans of launching additional services to help families, Marquis aims to connect more families to exciting new platforms, programs and products. 

Prior to launching Nanny Village, Marquis provided marketing, recruitment and event planning support for companies in the entertainment industry. Check out my conversation with Marquis in the video below!

Click image or here to watch video.

I would love YOU to take the WO3 PLEDGE…it is as EASY AS 1-2-3.  

There are many ways to show your support that fits into YOUR lifestyle and budget. 


1. Sign up for reminders in March on fun, easy, NO-COST ways to partner, promote and support small, women-owned businesses. 

SIGN UP HERE: https://www.wo3connect.com/signup


2. Spread the word and rally your friends and family to participate by signing up AND making an effort in the month of March to DO SOMETHING to partner, promote and/or support a female-owned business.  

JOIN THE SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS TO GET GREAT IDEAS AND TO COMMENT AND SPREAD THE POSTS and use the hashtags: #isupporther, #wo3connect, #wo3day 

Instagram https://www.instagram.com/wo3connect

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/WO3Connect

LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/wo3connect/

Use hashtags #wo3connect #isupporther


3. Plan out how to target and support women-owned businesses in the Month of March: 

  • One of the best and easiest way to show support to your favorite female-owned businesses is by leaving a short and sweet review on google reviews or yelp

  • Start to follow and/or tag and comment on their their social media pages or  follow their podcast! 
    Invite then to be on your podcast, recommend their business to a friend or colleague,

  • Get Creative! How about giving an extra generous tip to your hairdresser, housekeeper and/or manicurist? 

  • Love retail shopping? Shop local or global. Purchase gift cards from your Favorite female-owned businesses. 

  • Going grocery shopping? Look for and purchase a few products that are woman-owned.

  •  Look for ways to partner, promote or support another female owned business either personally or professionally. 

As you can see the ideas are endless. It is time for WOMEN TO SHINE so lets make an active effort to honor women doing great things in their own business. 

Are you struggling with your child's sleep?

The first step to see if I can help you achieve beautiful, blissful sleep is to schedule a 60 minute ZOOM sleep strategy session. Go to this link and complete the contact me form and I will be in touch within 24 hours with directions on how to schedule your Sleep Strategy Session.

Contact Me

If you are still wondering if I can help, please know I do NOT advocate 'cry-it-out'. I am a Gentle Sleep Coach. If you want to learn about my guilt-free and gentle process, please go to these links.

Blissful Baby Beliefs

The Gentle Sleep Process

The Blissful Baby Stairway to Sleep

Please join my Sleep is Bliss Tribe in Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn so we can stay connected and you can continue to get amazing resources on sleep and family wellness.

Sleep is Bliss, Let's Get you more! 

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